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Another Newbie


New Member
Hi all! I'm new here and having my surgery on Dec 15th. I'm super excited, but a little nervous at the same time. Did any of you have the jitters before your surgery?
Yep I certainly did but as the day got closer gotmore and more calm as I knew this was the right thing for me after all those years of yo yo dieting. Most people feel very nervous beforehand but its fine and you will be fine too

Good luck

I feel like I'm in a daze... Likefor some reason it's not going to happen..... And my surgery is on Wednesday!!! Hopefully my feelings aren't right!!!
hiya and welcome xxxx I had so many emotions i was a complete wreck for a week!!!!! I was convinced right upto being wheeled down to surgery that they were gonna realise they'd made a mistake and cancel op!!!! good luck on Weds xxxxxx
The emotional rollercoaster is something I have never experienced before. So be assured, this is completely normal. I was quite calm (a conscious decision I made) up until the time they called my name and it was my turn to go up to theatre. When I said goodbye to my partner and friend, I did feel upset and nervous as f*ck, if you pardon my language. BUT ... this too shall pass and it's the beginning of a wonderful new life that you deserve!

All the very best for your journey! You'll be only a week after me :) so we'll be going through similar stuff at the same time going forward.
Hi, I was up and down like a jack-in-a-box! The nearer I got the better it got though.....I was 100% about needing and wanting the surgery so I think that helped. Good Luck, you will be fine :D XX
Hi and welcome to the site. Good luck for your op xx
Thank you all so much! My nerves did subside as I prepped for the op. It went just as planned with no problems. I have the Realize band, the dr chose since I couldn't make up my mind and he said they are really the same thing. Tonight I am sore and tired, but doing very well and so excited that this journey has begun. Again, thank you all for letting me know that I was not alone. It really helped me today.