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Anyone heard from Mazza?


New Member
Mazza was due to have her gynae operation earlier this week.

Just wondered if anyone had heard from her at all?

Hope it has all gone well Mazza and that you are making a swift recovery. x x
It's a big op so I guess she is going to take a little while to come back. Hope you are allright Mazza lovey and that you are being looked after beautifully by your family! Loads of love and see you back here as soon as you feel up to it x

I second that Neen....Maz my twin, I hope you're feeling a little better and all has gone to plan...sending you lots of love for a speedy recovery xx
Hope all went well Mazza, thinking of you xxx
Hello everyone and thanks for your kind words, Im back!!!

Everything went well - all bits removed safely. I feel suprisingly well but Im taking it easy. Have lots of bruises (?), blood test wounds, canular sore bits, my drain and op wounds are all undressed and healing well.

Got home about half an hour ago, feet up now with a cup of tea.

Was looked after very well at the hospital but glad to be home.

Thanks again x
Aw !!! Hey !! I'm amazed you feel up to anything yet! BUT so happy it's done for you and just want you to now get better as soon as possible and start really enjoying being slimmer without all the pain and discomfort that's been sapping you for all this time.
Have a fantastic fabulous lighter comfier Summer and make sure you don't do too much too soon xxxx Hugs xxxx
Aww get well soon hun x
Thanks for posting Mazza, and great to hear that you are home and well.

Take it easy hun, and make sure you get lots of rest. x
Really pleased everything went well Mazza xxx
Thanks everyone, Ive just had a lovely afternoon nap and Jim is just making me another cuppa. I could get used to this!
Glad you are home safe and sound. Take it easy and let yourself be pampered. You deserve it.
Good to hear from you Maryann. Glad you're feeling well and glad you're home x
Good to hear you are home and doing well M. Take it easy and let everyone else run around for you xx