New Member
Hey all. I'm hoping you can help. I almost 100% sure I've got arthritis in my left knee. I've not had it confirmed by a doctor (my dog recently had to have x-rays for a diagnoses, is it the same for humans?) but the pain has been there several years. Both knees to be honest but the left one can become very painful, I think the main bulk of the damage was obviously being 26 stone but now it seems to be getting worse. I know some exercise is meant to help arthritis and joint problems but I'm thinking because I'm still over 17 and half stone, and have a very tiny 5ft 1" frame that's why it's feels worse with quite a vigorous cardio routine (I don't run on it though) and I've actually avoided the gym the last 2 weeks because of the pain. I don't want to do that as I get such a buzz from exercising now. I guess I need to talk to my doctor about it (easier said that done getting an appointment!) but I was just wondering what others take for pain relief now we can't take nSAIDS? can paracetamol do the job just as well? doesn't seem to be at the moment. I've try some heat pads too which give some temporary relief, but it doesn't do much. How do those of you who have it cope with it? when I went away a couple of weeks ago I did around 40 mins swimming a day, that eased it but my hips really hurt and kept me awake a night so hope it's not in there too. I know it's all real possibility having been so heavy so long. At least my back pain is almost all gone which has been my best benefit from the surgery over all so far as couldn't walk at all before. Any help/ideas appreciated