New Member
Im having a revision done, im only 26 so not feeling great about it. Had a band in 2011 lost 4/5 stones, it was private but went over to the nhs following difficulties. Since then my band has been emptied, i was 18 stone when i had the band im now 21 stone!! as a single mum im desperate to get this weight gone. Went to see Mr James Halstead with The Hospital Group, and looking to have this done in June / July time. Atm its chaos because im with the NHS for band aftercare and am applying via individual funding request to see if the NHS can perform the operation. If all else fails, ive saved evey penny of my student finance which i was using for my MA social work, and im going to go private. It will cost £10,000
Looking for advice from any bandser to bypass, what was your experiences, im having the conversion in one opp. worried about the physical and pschological changes, what is the hardest thing to adjust to. Im at uni and have half hour for dinner! how can you incorporate the bypass eating requirements with uni/work life. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou guys, very very scared i may die on the table. Im only 26 how did i get here :sigh: