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Banders - Any ideas on what effect a lazy gullet can have to a band?


New Member
It's in the title. Someone i know paid for her hubby to have a band and it didn't work, caused discomfort, after one mouthful it felt as if his food was in his throat.. After speaking to his provider he was told he had a 'lazy gullet' and that one in 7 with a lazy gullet the band won't work on!

Is this complete rubbish or has anyone knowledge of this?

Btw they've now paid another £4,500 to have it removed....

Firstly how long did he have the band before they decided it was not working?

Secondly that feeling of tightness and food in throat sounds like over tight restriction, which would have caused the band not to work.

I think they have been ripped off personally, I cannot believe they were charged that much for a removal.

What provider was it?
Hello and Good Morning

I been googling gastric banding and lazy gullets etc and cannot find anything at all on this subject . I thought I might be able to find some info to share but cant (Sorry)

Julie xx
well if its just the provider being wrong n making a fast buck by charging so much to remove it, instead of trying other things first, then i think they should be named n shamed, ppl cant afford these amounts of money in the first place, and often go into debt, but to then have to do it again, its disgraceful, of course i could be wrong, and the provider might have tried various things, in which case i apologise. i feel so sorry for your friend and her hubby julie, how is he now hun.
Sounds to me like either an over tight band or one in the wrong position. Thats terrible - what a rip off!!!
seek legal advice, what a loada piff !!!
Thank you ladies, i appreciate the advice... It was from what is a reputable firm with a reputable surgeon. In fact i believe the surgeon was Super!

I will share this information. It was one of the nurses at work, her husband had it done!

How awful in the end i suspect best part of £13,000 gone...
maybe hes privy to information that nobody else can find. i think id want to know where he got the information from, and how he knew it was a lazy gullet rather than the other things that our banders have suggested it sounded like, and which actually does make sense. you never know, if he cant prove it, he might be able to re do the op, free of course, and with proper aftercare this time
I've pointed his wife in our direction folks!
I don't know about lazy gullet. But I have gastric reflux and one of the surgeons at SRH (not sure which one) told me that ruled me out of having a band.
how long did he actually have the band for, do you know julie, and also, could he have what charis has, surely the surgeon should have checked for things like that though, curiouser and curiouser
I think he had his band in for 12 months and i'm guessing they didn't check beforehand. Surely they have a duty of care to do something else for him?
well i would have thought so, it dosnt seem as though he had a very caring team, and when youve paid all that money out, you expect to be cared for. it might be an idea for him to look into the 'lazy gullet' and report back to his 'team', he may even be able to get something else done by them, if he can prove either way if he has a lazy gullet or not.
I was told about lazy oesophagus by my care provider - funnily enough I even made mention of this a few days/weeks ago when someone here asked about the xray fill. They check for lazy gullet when you have your first fill (thats what my radiographer told me at the time) which should be done under xray. However both my dietitician and radiographer said that having a lazy oesophagus doesn't preclude you from having a gastric band.
I was told about lazy oesophagus by my care provider - funnily enough I even made mention of this a few days/weeks ago when someone here asked about the xray fill. They check for lazy gullet when you have your first fill (thats what my radiographer told me at the time) which should be done under xray. However both my dietitician and radiographer said that having a lazy oesophagus doesn't preclude you from having a gastric band.

Thank you for that Cah-ching! Very informative. My colleagues husband was told 1 in 7 have it and thus the band won't work! Your information says it wouldn't preclude someone having a gastric band thus it should still work! Nice one :) x
Thank you for that Cah-ching! Very informative. My colleagues husband was told 1 in 7 have it and thus the band won't work! Your information says it wouldn't preclude someone having a gastric band thus it should still work! Nice one :) x

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