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Basic Question

Okay, here's a few really basic, stooopid questions from a computer no-hoper!

Why, when I post a reply on a thread, does that thread not appear at the top of the New Posts list, at least it doesn't on my screen? On the other forum it used to, didn't it?! Am I clicking on the wrong thing? What's the diff between 'quick reply' and the other reply option? Whichever one I click on that particular thread just seems to disappear into the depths of ... where???

Sorry to be so thick, pse can anyone explain in really simple terms.

It only shows new posts after you made your post so you now what you have left to look at that you haven't seen.
Why, when I post a reply on a thread, does that thread not appear at the top of the New Posts list, at least it doesn't on my screen? On the other forum it used to, didn't it?! Am I clicking on the wrong thing?

The New Post list is new posts to YOU - so you won't see the one you posted as you've read the most up to date thing on there and replied. :)

What's the diff between 'quick reply' and the other reply option? Whichever one I click on that particular thread just seems to disappear into the depths of ... where???

In advanced reply you can do quotes, use all the smilies, fonts, etc. You can do that in the 'quick' reply if you know the codes, otherwise it's just a quick way of responding with 'no frills' :D

Sorry to be so thick, pse can anyone explain in really simple terms.

Does that help? :)
No worries honey - here to help ;)