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Bit sensitive, but my biggest fear has anyone lost there hair in big quatities.....


New Member
i know this is a sensitive topic but im wondering if anyone has has any real hair loss due to there surgery... i know its vain but i am worried about it........ just wanted to hear peoples experainces xx
Hi Kelly
Unfortunately my hair loss is quite profound.
It started about 3 months post op and im now 6 months and its just slowing down. i had really thick hair and over time it has just got thinner and thinner i dont have any bald patches it has just become very thin......................but its a lot better than being really fat.....it dosnt happen to everyone, and there are suppliments that you can buy to stop this..... i never bothered as its a small price to pay compared to my life, xx
Kelly if we do experience this (my bypass has been too kind to me so far so will probably bite my ass with me going completely bald lol) then we can get selenium supplements which are supposed to help with this!

Worrying about it will only exacerbate it i'm sure! Worry when it happens, until then push it to the back of your mind xxx
Hi julie.... ooo thats good to know.... its just when the subject of my surgery comes up my friends are like... oo god kel you ll lose your hair... and when you bend over you ll vomit etc etc as you get to know me im terrible for worrying!! must stop xx
I am nearly 8 weeks post up and so far so good. My hair is very very thick so a bit of loss would be a good thing.

Anyway ages ago I bought a lovely wig off of Ideal world so will just have to wear that.

I am so happy with the new me if have a bit of hair loss that will be minor for me anyway.

Good luck and enjoy your journey.:)
thanks everyone for your replies very true to :) x
As a bander I can say that just after the op my hair did thin, it used to notice on the hair brush and my hubby picking them off my back but now further down the line I can report fullness has returned and back to normal shedding.

It's your bodies way of reacting to a rapid weightloss, even people who do Cambridge and Lighter Life can get it too.

Try not to worry its only temporary :)
I have very fine hair (and not much of it) to start with. About a month ago i started to notice that much more than usual was falling out (so approximately 4 months post op)
Where my hair is parted there is a much more noticable amount of scalp visible (not a bald patch as such but i feel the need to style my hair specifically to try and disguise this a bit.
I'm not able to take the supplements because i am on thyroxine, so the best i can do is use thickening products (not sure if i can mention specific ones on the site ?? but BedHead Small Talk Thickifier is the best i've found)
My shoulders seem permanently covered in hair and i can't get dressed till after i've styled it every morning !
I don't want you to get alarmed though, but i did want to be honest about my experience as i too have always been very vain about my hair and the hair loss has been important to me BUT despite this i'm still very very happy about my current situation. Other people are far too busy looking at my new shape to examine the top of my head, so i doubt that anyone but me notices !!
I feel that it is a small price to pay and i'm aware that it should just be a temporary one that will improve over time.
It's one of my biggest fears too. My hair is in superb condition, but it's very fine and I don't have loads of it. I'm 8 weeks post-op and dreading the day if/when it comes...:cry:
i am now 4 motnsh post op....my hair has thinned a little bit, Am going to start taking an extra supplement in the hope it helps it but I'm not too worried.

I did read somewhere that head massage is good to try and help promote new growth quicker, as that is why it thins...our bodies take the nutrition away from growing new hair to shove it elsewhere in the body where it is needed.
Hi, its also something that i was bothered about, specially when my parents keep saying oh that'll be nice your be thin & bald!! i think they're worried about me going through with the op so this is there way of trying to put me off as i've always tried with my hair i think when your big u need something that looks good!!!! but do u know something just lately i've felt so uncomfortable with my weight that to be 12 stone slimmer & bald would be a blessing!! so i personally am no longer gonna worry about this.......well not much :D
I have quite a lot of shedding - the plughole is always really scary after a shower! I'm three and a half months post op. I emailed Maureen Boyle, the dietician at Sunderland, who said to add an extra zinc and silica supplement to my growing pile of pills.
It's growing back quite well, as I have lots of short hair at the roots (all greying, aargghh! Time to get my roots done :) ).
To be honest, the hair thinning I've had so far is a bit worrying, but is offset by the weightloss any day.
If it doesn't get better, I'll change my style to something that makes it less obvious.
aah there's always a good wig....or 4 :D
i noticed mine thinned out more, but i doen mind cos it was really thick :D
Mine has gone really limp and thin, it was always really thick. I think it is beginning to slow down a little but it's still shedding at a scary rate. I heard sea kelp is something else that helps, I am really not sure anything works.

I loved my hair before this, so I am pretty down at how weak, thin, brittle and lifeless it is now, but I keep holding onto the fact that once weight stabilises (which mine is doing now) it will improve.

I am in the hair loss club also! 4 months post op which is apparently bang on schedule it's your body going into what they call "starvation mode" and like someone else mentioned your body is sending the nutrients to other more importnat areas.

I read that sclap massage is good or i was reccomended SILICA COMPLEX

These tablets provide a high-potency source of Zinc, an important mineral that supports antioxidant health.** As a component of the enzyme collagenase, Zinc contributes to healthy, glowing skin
avalible from Holland & Barrett
Lost all my bloody hair waiting for the op! xx
hi, I'm loosing mine now, but I'm not worried about it, it will grow back. I've cut it short and bought an afro comb.
My losses started at 6 weeks and went on for 6 months. I had really thick hair which got very thin but at 17 minths its is almost back to where it was. I took masses of supplements but although my thin hair was in excellent condition it didn't stop falling out until it was ready
