Don't get me eldest is almost 18 and all the time I was ill at home then recently she was foul. The day after I git home she orchestrated a huge row and walked out nd has barely been seen.since. its hell![]()
shelbell said:Hubby is taking baby to brummigan for the weekend this afternoon, so I have a toddler tantrum free weekendjust me and the boy, who stays in his bedroom all day playing games consoles if I let him, so should be a quiet one for me! Although I do have a haircut battle with him, his hair is ridiculous but his father has told him long hair suits him
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831phil said:I have 3!! a lovely but very talkative 9 year old girl, a 12 year old grunting hormonal boy who thinks he knows everything and a 44 year old teasing man who winds the other two up something rotten - he is the worst of them all!! LOL!! My son started High School 2 years ago and went out in the morning a lovely, smart young boy and came home at 4pm a scruffy, cocky, stroppy, gobby little sh.t!! Not sure what happened in those 7 hours but it was intense!! He has his good days but few and far between - and now just spends all his time on the x-box in his room chatting to his mates - but at least he isnt downstairs winding his sister up or verbally abusing me!! Kids - got to love them!!