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Bleeding from Surgery Site


New Member
I just noticed some blood on my t-shirt covering one of the surgery sites. When I checked it, it's bleeding. It's only a little blood, I'm unsure whether to contact the doctor over it or not. I'm thinking I'll just cover it up with some dressing.

Anyone's site bleed?
I haven't had this problem Zarafa, but it's very early days.. I'd keep it clean and see your GP as soon as you are able to get it re dressed and checked... keep us posted Angel.

Love and hugs xxx
Hi Zarafa - Same advice as Bev gave, just keep it clean & dry.
Wound obviously seeping, just inform doctor or district nurse for advice if bleeding increases.
Paul xx
I agree with Bev. Dress it for tonight but definitely go to see the doctor or nurse tomorrow to get it checked. I'm sure it'll be fine but better to be safe x
Hi hun. I agree with the others. Keep it clean and dressed and see your GP as soon as you can. Hopefully it's nothing bad at all and will heal up quick. x
Thank you all, I've cleaned it with some anti-septic, and put a dressing on it. I'm wondering now whether to dress all my other sites, as the nurses told me to remove the dressings on the day of my discharge, but didn't put new ones, or supply me with any dressing for me to do it myself :/
Avoiding infections is the priority Zarafa, book in tomorrow for a wound check and see your GP or at the practice Nurse.

I was sent home with a week's worth of dressings and had little dressings on underneath the larger dressings for at least a week until the wounds had dried and healed over.

The district nurse called on me because I have other problems and she said not to get them wet, so have a good chat with your GP practice tomorrow Angel, try not to worry, as long as you get them checked and they are clean and dry....

Love and hugs precious and hope you are feeling ok generally, it's such early days for you xxx
I've showered every single day this week, and in the process wet my wounds, which nobody told me I had to keep dry. Now I'm worrying :s
Don't worry love, they will sort it for you tomorrow, I accidentally wet mine too... so it happens... just book in tomorrow and get it sorted, keep us posted love... it's very early days for you.

Love and hugs xxx
Sometimes you can get a little pocket of blood and fluid just under the top surface, which can come out. I had a little seepage from one if mine and got it checked out but all was fine.

What are your wounds closed with? Glue/staples/dissolving stitches/regular stitches?

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Thank you Bev and Shel.

Shel - I have staples. Do you know if it's normal that the skin around them is a bit red?
Yes, some redness is a sign of healing. I had staples, kept them covered until the staples were removed with waterproof dressings so I could still shower. After the staples came out they were much more comfortable and I only kept a dressing on one that was right on my bra line so would have rubbed.

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Thank you, that really helps. I'll go in tomorrow morning and ask the GP to put dressings on. Hopefully can still have the staples out on Tuesday.
The staples coming out feels odd but isn't painful. I found that as I healed the staples made the wounds feel tight so having them out was lovely! I had spinal surgery last week and have a waterproof dressing on that, but the top layer is just steri strips :eek:

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Eeep, I'd be scared of moving. How are you feeling after your surgery? Hopefully on the road to recovery?

Yup doing well, just a bit sore around the wound site.

Hope the doc manages to reassure you in the morning and sort out some dressings for you x

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