New Member
I've been reading the threads for a few months and registered a few months ago under my usual Bluewoo.....BUT my problem is due to my email provider I didn't get my validations emails so I've registered under my Hubbys email to get round things - thus the Fed Up bit.
I need to stop lurking and start sharing. I read the ups and downs of the group and find similarities and differences in us all.
So please bear with me while I tell my tale... :read:
I always used to be active, mainly walking and cycling and at about age 20 I gained weight (due to Endocrine issues - yes it does happen) and got to be about a size 20 then lost weight through exercise and activity I got down to 12 stone. Then met my now Hubby :lilkiss: so we started dating, out for meals etc and I put on a stone!!!! Not happy and started working on it. I was in the works gym 3 times a week, walking during my lunchbreak and we were going for walks during the weekend.
This all seems so insignificant as I had a fall in 2008 which has affected my mobility amongst other things. I lost my job of 12 years, my weight piled on big style as I turned to food, I was frustrated with life, trying so hard but not getting anywhere. Battling pain was wearing me down and if anybody else tells me to "Make Pain my Friend" I will throw something at them......
But my Hubby stuck by me and we married in 2010. After a lot of working through things in my head through talking therapy, counselling, support of my Hubby, fantastic GP, Pain Management Consultant, the Coventry UHCW Group, and ME; I am now here.
Where is here......
I'm due for my Gastric Sleeve operation on 2nd August 2014 (if all goes well) :fingerscrossed:
When Jo the coordinator (who I haven't met but have spoken to a few times and she sounds GREAT) called me to tell me I had a surgery date I just went so quiet. I needed it to sink in and I just sat there crying with; relief, scared, hope; I'm not sure.
I'm having my wobbles, questioning my decision, feeling happy, cautions; but I'm now able to see past the op date and picturing how things might be.
I've tried out a few foods that I used to crave at times eg a cheese and onion slice and to be honest I really didn't like it and felt rubbish after eating it. :sign0137:
So I think that mind has found that magic switch and is trying to use it on a daily basis. It's not perfect and nor am I BUT I'm going to give it a damn good try with this physical tool that I'm being given.
Thanks for reading :clap:
I've been reading the threads for a few months and registered a few months ago under my usual Bluewoo.....BUT my problem is due to my email provider I didn't get my validations emails so I've registered under my Hubbys email to get round things - thus the Fed Up bit.
I need to stop lurking and start sharing. I read the ups and downs of the group and find similarities and differences in us all.
So please bear with me while I tell my tale... :read:
I always used to be active, mainly walking and cycling and at about age 20 I gained weight (due to Endocrine issues - yes it does happen) and got to be about a size 20 then lost weight through exercise and activity I got down to 12 stone. Then met my now Hubby :lilkiss: so we started dating, out for meals etc and I put on a stone!!!! Not happy and started working on it. I was in the works gym 3 times a week, walking during my lunchbreak and we were going for walks during the weekend.
This all seems so insignificant as I had a fall in 2008 which has affected my mobility amongst other things. I lost my job of 12 years, my weight piled on big style as I turned to food, I was frustrated with life, trying so hard but not getting anywhere. Battling pain was wearing me down and if anybody else tells me to "Make Pain my Friend" I will throw something at them......

But my Hubby stuck by me and we married in 2010. After a lot of working through things in my head through talking therapy, counselling, support of my Hubby, fantastic GP, Pain Management Consultant, the Coventry UHCW Group, and ME; I am now here.
Where is here......
I'm due for my Gastric Sleeve operation on 2nd August 2014 (if all goes well) :fingerscrossed:
When Jo the coordinator (who I haven't met but have spoken to a few times and she sounds GREAT) called me to tell me I had a surgery date I just went so quiet. I needed it to sink in and I just sat there crying with; relief, scared, hope; I'm not sure.
I'm having my wobbles, questioning my decision, feeling happy, cautions; but I'm now able to see past the op date and picturing how things might be.
I've tried out a few foods that I used to crave at times eg a cheese and onion slice and to be honest I really didn't like it and felt rubbish after eating it. :sign0137:
So I think that mind has found that magic switch and is trying to use it on a daily basis. It's not perfect and nor am I BUT I'm going to give it a damn good try with this physical tool that I'm being given.
Thanks for reading :clap: