Uber geek! Lost 4lb this week and hit 14st this morning, wearing a size 14 troosers to work (I am tall (5'8 & 3/4) and v top heavy so I 'wear my weight well' (so I have been told
)) and now my BMI has dropped to under 30!
- obviously I don't feel any different at all from yesterday when it was 30.1 but it's all going the right way. And I have had 3 crackers with peanut butter on everynight for the past 3 nights so it's not like I have reverted to salad or SF to move the weight!
Still a bit weak / fatigued to start my Cani-X training but am building up my dog walking nightly now and hope to start just about when the weather turns foul - wind, rain, freezing cold and early darks nights

Anyway - I am chuffed and the morals of this tale are a) don't do too much too soon else you will end up knackered all the time like me and b) even if your weight stabilises for weeks, don't lose faith - it DOES happen!

Still a bit weak / fatigued to start my Cani-X training but am building up my dog walking nightly now and hope to start just about when the weather turns foul - wind, rain, freezing cold and early darks nights
Anyway - I am chuffed and the morals of this tale are a) don't do too much too soon else you will end up knackered all the time like me and b) even if your weight stabilises for weeks, don't lose faith - it DOES happen!