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I'd also complain about her lack of confidentiality ggrrrrr

Do you mean it's in your contract that they can pull you in to discuss sickness 9 days after you've had major surgery?

Fine if they only want to discuss the reason you've been off but to do it when you actually can't get yourself to work seems rather premature - they would probably tell you that, as you were able to get into work for that meeting, you can return to work full time!!

i know workplaces are getting really tight on sick leave. I work for a government dept and our trigger points for discussion of concern for absence is 5 days/ 3 occasions in a rolling 12 months. So basically once you're off sick for a week you're buggered.

One avenue to look at is Disability Adjustment Leave (DAL). Not sure what way other employers work but as far as I know if you have a disability and are being treated for it, you can get leave for it. If you're in a union you should speak with you're union rep for advice.

This is major surgery and no-one should be made to return to work so soon after it. All that will happen is that you will not recover fully and end up going sick for longer.

Do you mean it's in your contract that they can pull you in to discuss sickness 9 days after you've had major surgery?

Fine if they only want to discuss the reason you've been off but to do it when you actually can't get yourself to work seems rather premature - they would probably tell you that, as you were able to get into work for that meeting, you can return to work full time!!


i see your point so i'll be on the phone monday morning
Well said Tatiana!!! If you are signed off sick, she CANNOT make you go back, also as a back up get your Dr to write a letter stating exactly why you need time off (if she asks for this your surgery should charge her!) Poss when feeling so much better, look for a new job, good luck x
Good move Joffy, I don't know what you do for a living but, if you're in the position you have to be taken to work (at their expense) for a meeting about being off sick it's pretty obvious that you're not fit to be there!!

Explain to them that this isn't some small procedure you've had - it's classed as major + abdomenal surgery and should be treated as such - if you had had bowel resection (and you've had exactly that) for any other reason, they would not be questioning you.

I think too often those on the outside see this as the 'easy option' and that, once you're out of hospital are back to the exact level of health and strength you were at before you went into hospital.

Good luck with that phone call on Monday morning, don't be pushed by them to go to the meeting before you are ready to!!

Take care,

tatiana i have doc appointment monday. i also been to work today and had it out with my boss,. she said she was right so i said i have spoke to someone who deals with ssp and u are in wrong . she said well i will pay u sick pay but u only work 4 days a week so u dont get paid for first three .. what a mooo. anyways i walked off telling her ,i have a motto in life and thats treat people like they treat you. so the gloves are on lol
What a cow, god these people make me so angry, poor you Maz, please dont go in, after your surgery and hernia you need to rest, go to your local CAB if worried will help you with your rights, she has no right to bully you into work - let me speak to her, I will tell her aaaggghhhh lol xxxxxx
Looks like you need to get some advice....
Did you express concern on the forum before and do you work for a small business and the manager is the owner?

You need to get a back dated sick note, or fit to work note as they call it these days.

How long have you worked for the company? Matters as certain rights kick in?
What benefits do you have in your job? Implied or in contract? Has anyone else been off sick within the company recently, how did they get treated?

ACAS have a help line for you to call.

Sometimes don't really enjoy the politics of my job, but grateful that they have been kind of understanding. Only women in a group on 10 guys so they are all confused how to act!
only one word of advise Tribunal

Someone left my hubbys place of work (only a small family run company)after the owner walked into the office and told her to F*** off .
She took that as a dismissal and walked out then took them to a tribunal for unfair dismissal and won:D

Glad you have got a Drs appointment - I think they would be horrified that you are being bullied back into work and will sign you off for a reasonable period of time.

I think she is right about not having to pay SSP for the first 3 days but make sure you are paid for the days you have been in this week - you have worked it and are entitled to full pay for the hours worked. After that it will be SSP until you are fit to work again.

I bet she was hoping you would have no idea about SSP and would be bullied back to work with the threat of no sick pay!! Good on you for standing up for yourself.

Take care and recover in peace,

Sorry people, but you will be paid for the first 3 days, if your Dr's med cert (new name for sick note) covers that time. Your boss is WRONG! You are entitled to be paid SSP for the exact dates the med cert covers you for.
Please go to Website of the UK government : Directgov, and follow the link to SSP, then tell your boss to get her facts right........!
well my boss shud be awarded total ***** of the year award... she forced me back to work 2 weeks post op, saying she cudnt afford to pay me sick pay.fool that i am i went back to work monday 10 days post op almost had me crying out loud in pain however i managed, last night the boss told me i have to re work my week in hand as last week i was off .. what a horrible person u would think after i saved her maybe 8 - 10 weeks sick pay she would help me . im such a fool
You should absolutely not be at work especially with unhealed wound which could get infected and a hernia that could reoccur. Go straight to GP and get at least a 4 week sick note.
You don't say what size company/business you work for but even in small companies there are rules to follow otherwise they leave themselves open to unfair dismissal claims etc.
In an active job you should be off minimum 6 weeks and now you may need longer because you could have set yourself back.
A boss like that is not worth worrying over go back on sick and let the wicked witch do her worst then take her to the cleaners so to speak.
i got a fantastic boss.........its me lol. sorry to hear you got a such a **** of a boss hope it all pans out for you and you feel better asap
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Hope you are on the way to sorting things out, Maz ... want to borrow my sons baseball bat?? only semi joking, lol xxx :D:D
i got a fantastic boss.........its me lol. sorry to hear you got a such a **** of a boss hope it all pans out for you and you feel better asap. APOLOGIES FOR THE SWEAR WORD

i wouldnt worry about it Jed, im guessing we'd all like to swear on this thread! :479:
Hi Marie
I dont know if the following will help.

Who can get Statutory Sick Pay?
If you're working for an employer under a contract of service (even if you've only just started and you have done some work), you're entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if the following apply:
· you're sick for at least four days in a row (including weekends and bank holidays and days that you do not normally work)
· you have average weekly earnings of at least £102 a week
Your average weekly earnings are worked out by using your earnings in the eight weeks before your sickness began. Please read 'SSP – how it's worked out and what days you'll be paid for' for more information about this.

Evidence that you are sick

It is up to your employer to decide whether you are incapable of work for payment of SSP.
Your employer cannot ask you to provide medical evidence that your are sick for the first seven days of illness. During this period they may ask you to fill in a self-certificate of their own design or form SC2.

If you get any hassle from you boss and she is not the company owner go above her head. If you get no satisfaction TRIBUNAL for constructive dismissal. xx
i got a fantastic boss.........its me lol. sorry to hear you got a such a **** of a boss hope it all pans out for you and you feel better asap. APOLOGIES FOR THE SWEAR WORD

Dont worry hun - the swear filter usually picks them up, but this one slipped through somehow!

It wasn't there for long so I'm sure no one had time to be offended by it.