New Member
Hello all, Just thought I'd say hello to everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. A little background I had Lapband surgery weeeey back in July 2005 at The Princess Royal, Telford. A month after that rushed in again for a revisional surgery due to band slippage, which saw me loose 6st 7lbs in as many months. Pre op BMI:52 Weight: 27st9lbs (if memory serves) Aftercare at the time of me having the band fitted was non-exsistant. Even though I had my surgery in Telford I was living in Birmingham at the time. I then switched to heartlands for my aftercare. Now I know there are people who have done tremendously with the band. Hats off and congratulations to you sincerely. But for me it has been a hate hate relationship. A full on fight with PCT where I used to live in Birmingham and a serious decline in my quality of health, since the weightloss stopped. Bone health non existent . Night reflux that had me woken up by choking stomach acid fits, high blood pressure which I did not have before surgery, serious vitamin and iron deficiencies due to being told I did not need suplementatation . ...and a wandering port that could not be filled without Fluro and countless X-rays ....the list goes on. So in Nov 14...I moved to Walsall Manor Hospital having moved house. I must say I have seen a considerable improvement in their follow up programme. Having spoke with Mr Khan I decided to give the band another go. ....during that consultation he saw it was impossible to get to my port and booked for me to have it repositioned under general anaesthetic. Year 9 and again I'm going under the knife for this thing? I decided to tell them at the pre-assesment that I want the entire thing out.Went back to see Mr Khan ,we discuss options and having done some research decided to have revision all surgery to RNY gastric bypass. I am due to have my band out on 27.07.15 then 6 weeks later I will be having the RNY (date not confirmed yet) Sorry for rambling. But there are only 3 people in my family I have told about my plans. But they don't fully understand what it means to go on this type of journey. I am looking for like minds who understand fully. Thank you so much for your time. Xx
Just wanted to say hello and welcome!!
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