happy days
New Member
I have just completed a major achievement. Done a sling shot. Been dying to do one and feeling very proud x
OMG you're brave! Well done hun ... I can safely say that this one is not, nor ever will be, on my bucket list!
I was desperate to do it. I felt so alive x
I be you did hun I am just a big scardy cat when it comes to things high.. I won't even walk over glass floors.... Did you get photos for the memory of it?
I got DVD its hilarious. 370 feet in the air all you hear is me shouting **** **** **** lol
4/ walk the Vatnajokull national park and its glacier in Iceland
My hubby and I are hoping to do a fly drive to Iceland in two years time it's one of my major goals, always wanted to go there.
We are hoping to do the same . He's desperate to dive the mid Atlantic ridge and I want to see volcanoes hehe