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I had my bypass on Saturday at the Spire Manchester by the lovely Mr Ammori (he was fantastic) I am home and well just some really bad aching feeling!

I am struggling to get liquids down and conscious that i need to keep hydrated, any advice would be greatly appriciated.

Thanks to all the posts on here to get me up to this stage and all the support that has been offered x
Hi Claire!
Glad to hear that everything went well!
I had Mr Ammori too, he is a genius and is a lovely 'gentle'man!
Hi, Glad to hear you ok. Keep drinking. I was banded on Saturday and understand about not being able to deal with much but fluids.
try ice cubes
Hi Claire
great news, and wishing you a speedy recovery too.

About fluids: 2 tips:
1) use a baby feeder cup, it's easier to sip from and th lid means no dust gets in.

2) get some sugar free ice pops or lollys, they're lovely and refreshing.
Clairekel and Jacquie Christie - Can I ask a question?

I am booked with Mr Ammori at the Spire for op on 10th Sept. That's all his secretary told me at the time - that my op was booked for 10th Sept. I'm waiting for the paperwork arriving in the post hopefully tomorrow.

Did you two go in the day before your op, or on the day of your op?
Hi Karen,
I was told to be in by 12ish and that my op would be late afternoon that day.
I went down to the operating room about 4.30! I was out cold by 5, woke up about 8ish feeling pretty good, but was dozy for the next hour. By 10 that night I was up and going to the toilet (admitedly attached to the morphine machine) LOL! I was kept in 2 nights but that was because I was from Scotland and he wanted to be sure all was well before my long trip home. I could have easily gone home after one night.
I never had any pain at all, and just felt like I had pulled all my stomach muscles and they were tight.
I dont know anyone who has had problems with Mr Ammori, I'm sure it will all go smoothly!
Hi Karen, you will be in great hands with Mr Ammori, I was in at 7am in the morning and was second on the list so went down at 10 I was back up for 12.30 in my room recovering, I could of gone home after the first night but I didn't feel confident enough especially with a two year little boy running round, there were no problem staying in for two nights and I rested and felt a lot better for it.

I hope that answers your question x
I remember the early days post op, trying to sip sip sip as we always tell people! My suggestion is some low sugar ice lollies and also get some Mini Milk lollies in, my friend brought me these and they were simply divine after drinking squash all blooming day :)

Welcome to the losers bench xx
Julie are the mini milk lollies ok to eat. I have no dea of what the sugar limit should be to stop dumping - they are 4.5gm which seems low.
:)Great news Claire-I hope all is still goiing well:)
Well done hun, hope everything goes well.:)