Sugar free boiled sweets were heaven for me as I had a horrendous taste in my mouth, just make sure you suck them to death rather than crunch them.
Wet wipes are a blessing as well. I couldn't bend to wipe myself (due to having a small hernia repaired at the same time) so I got one of those small dish mops on a stick and wrapped a wet wipe around them to wipe myself. TMI? Lol
Lots of pillows and fruit teas to help keep fluids up.
Thanks everyone for your kind words they mean alot, my hubby has just given me the dreaded injection (I hate needles) and I actually didn't feel a thing
Yes the spray is from boots. It is fresh mouth spray indeed but I've renamed it dry mouth spray as that is why I needed it so badly in hospital. I had to wear my oxygen mask for nearly 48 hours and boy was my mouth dry like the desert. A true life saver.
Good luck for tomorrow. I'm 3 weeks post op and can honestly say I've had no pain. I travelled back on a plane after 3 days and was back at work after 2 weeks - did 3 days at work (registering births and deaths) last week and felt fine.
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