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can some one help please x


New Member
i have been looking at some pics of ppls scars and one lady has a blue thing coming out of her tummy after gastrick banding im due to have this done and wondring what it is and will i ahve some thing like that sorry to ask x
blue thing ? ive never heard of that b4 maybe its a drain ?
I had odd blue dressings...see pics on my user file. But not anything in them....whose pics did you look at?

I cannot see why you would need drains on such small scars.
caz i think its your pics being refered to as theres a comment left under yout scars pic.
Oh yeah, silly me.

Yes that was a big wad of absorbant dressing, I had it on all 5 wounds to start with but the pic you see on my file is a week after the op, where I changed someof the dressings. The blue one was over the port scar and that was a bit stuck. So it stayed there a little longer. The dressing were off by day 10 though...

They got annoying.