My questions can be found here:
Hi Guys n Gals,
I had my consultation with Mr. Sigursson today. I initially thought it was tomorrow (Wednesday) but something in the back of my mid told me to go check. When I did I was surprised to find it was today. lol
So how did it go?
Well Mr. Sig is much taller than I imagined and quite good looking in a older guy kinda way (not that this has anything to do with surgery lol). I mentioned I had done my background reading up on him although he was genuinely surprised by the fact he's been mentioned so much on forums and the comments I relayed back to him. He also foudn it funny and surprising that I found him on accidentally Facebook lol ... I must have sounded like a mad stalker ... especially when I told him I live around the corner from him(which I do). He explained why he uses Facebook lol.
He's a little quirky and a little scatterbrain ... although I guess that may have been due to the fact they were running hopelessly late - I didn't see him until about 6:30pm and there were lots of people behind me to go in with him. I felt quite bad for him as he looked a bit tired.
I compiled a series of questions that I had meant to post on here earlier today but ran out of time. Most of my questions were answered in the discussion others were answered upon my questioning him (poor bloke must be used to it and a biit bored!). He answered all my questions. I get the feeling the man could do these ops in his sleep.
I asked him about scarring and he then asked me to hop on the bed (ooeerrr) so he could feel my flesh (at which point I joked and said that he had probably been gagging to touch my flesh as soon as I got in therehe giggles a lot and is quite funny! - not at all pretentious). So he prodded me a little and pointed out where I'd have scars, he also said that due to my concerns (as I'm a prime candidate for scarring) and the fact that (according to him) I hardly have much fat on my tummy area he'd be able to use some special technique and I was to remind him on the day of surgery.
He also explained that I would benefit on losing around 5kg's before surgery to shrink the my liver, however it wasn't overly important and he'd operate anyway - I think he thought I was in good shape - so no specified pre-op diet for me. However I will continue with my exercise regime and make a conscious decision to cut down on carbs etc. to get the ol glycogen out of my system.
Also had a chat with an advisor - she too seemed a little rushed and a little curt. Not sure I enjoyed the chat with her as much, but I didn't really care - she's not doing the op! I did express my concerns about their standard of aftercare which have been played out on these boards. I think their take is that one has to be proactive in booking appointments with dieticians. In addition I won't have my dietetic appointment until after my first fill, which will be 4 weeks after my op when i'm on solids again. (As an aside; interestingly Mr. Sigusson or Audun as he prefers me call himsaid the key to success on the diet is to consume solid food not live on slim fast - so no more Cambridge Diet for me!). He also didn't have any concerns about fizzy drinks! I also mentioned the lack of wound care instructions etc. but again I was led to believe that they are just tiny patches and not mummifying bandages lol. That said, the girl whom i had the second chat with did say that those who complained the loudest were the ones who didn't opt for the aftercare package! (is this true?!!!) I certainly will be getting my monies worth I will try.
It was also reassuring to know that Audun(Mr. Sig) is also getting a lot of referral work due to the workload at Walsall on Mr. Khan's patch. So his workload is increasing.
I'll be seeing Mr. Khan on Saturday ... it'll be interesting to compare approaches and whether Surgicare are intent on taking my money. Overall THG seemed a little pre-occupied. The consultation with the advisor (who herself had banding) seemed a little insincere which I didn't like - but as I said she's not doing the op Audun isand I have every faith in him.
So on Saturday I shall be seeing Mr. Khan on Saturday. i'll report back on the outcome on Sat evening.
I shall also post the list of questions I asked to help those who are not sure what they can/can't ask at consultation.
Their Clinical Director - Wendy Stubbs who also performs band adjustments is a bit of a legend both for WLS Group patients and for patients who go to them for their aftercare. right thing for me. Im really pleased with my results so far and the care I have recieved from my provider.
I'm sorry but my experience with them was very different. I am sure there are happy people with every company but I found they talked a lot but couldn't deliver. Perhaps I was unlucky. I thanks my lucky stars for the team at Chichester.
I cant comment on your experience with them was it was regarding your revision surgery?
I was commenting as a patient of theirs and with my experience of the aftercare. Im not sure of your circumstances re revision surgery and even if WLS Group perform such ops ? but as a first time (and hopefully only time) bander they certainly did deliver for me and many others on here.
The aftercare is a very important factor in which company to use.
I think you were very wise to cancel with thg. I had Mr Sig, and he was great, I am glad that he did my op and I felt he was, for me the best choice.....BUT thg and specifically Sally, who is nothing more than a used car salesman, with as much charisma as a used car salesman, up until you've paid.. and then treats you like dog crap after...should be steered clear of. I wrote direct to her and made a complaint about my care, and it was never responded to to this day. They try to cram too many people in for consultations and for surgery, they work Mr Sig like cheap child labour. You are wise to steer clear, although Mr Sig is a brilliant surgeon who works for a sh*t company.