i am devastated! i rang the heartlands hospital this afternoon to find out whats happening with my funding i was told that it had been refused im in such a state i dont kknow what to do i dont know who to talk to or what route to take now i was told to ring my pct which i did only to be told by some snotty woman.(she was extremely rude) that there is no funding at all for obesity surgery in my area and that i should never have been referred in the first place (this is my 3rd referral to a 3rd hospital) so obviously my gp thinks this needs to be done the first 2 appontments i had were both cancelled 1 when i arrived at the hospital for my appointment and the second a week before my appointment i saw mr super on the 14th of june who said that i was an excellent candidate for wls as im only 31 but my bmi is over 55 and that funding should not be a problem. im so gutted and upset i tried to get an appointment with my gp but cant get one til 10th august!!!! which is disgusting. i dont know what i have to do now ppl have told me to appeal but i dont know what route to take etc sorry for the long post but any advice would be much appreciated i suffer quite bad with depression and i really hope this doesnt put me bk in to a hole that i have struggled to get out of so many times