Not sure if this is payback for having such a laugh at previous post about people having 'accidents' in their pants
, but in Manchester yesterday I played a blinder !! Never experienced dumping at all before, but to be honest I haven't eaten anything that may cause it before. So in centre of Arndale with hundreds of other people I decide in my wisdom to get a potato from Spud u like with cheese and beans. Upon eating it I got carried away with talking to my daughter rather than concentrating on my food and a. ate all the cheese and b. shovelled it in like there was no tomorrow. Felt full quite quick (no surprise there), and after about ten minutes whilst walking through Marks and Spencers I began to feel VERY hot and sweaty. Daughter came with me to the loos as I felt I was ice skating uphill, where I found a very long queue of what seemed at the time to be VERY VERY slow women. This was no time to queue, so I tried the mens loo but was informed on entering by a man having a wee that I was in the wrong place, so did an about turn which was no mean feat as I was tip toeing with my thighs clamped together. Second plan of action, tried disabled toilet door which opened quickly and was empty which was a huge relief until an older lady pointed out there was a queue and I wasn't disabled, my daughter replied without a second passing 'That's as much as you know'. I gave her a smile and pretended not to hear her as time was of the essence, I went straight in and managed to sort myself out and placed my very hot head on the very cold tiles on loo wall. :sigh:
After a while I decided I could risk getting up and leaving but felt a bit paranoid for using disabled loo so decided it would be for the best if I limped on leaving ?? (even sounds daft to me now, must be the years of being brought up Catholic LOL) so I at least looked like I wasn't just queue jumping. Had to keep it up all the way out of M&S with daughter nudging me to stop being so embarrassing. Have learnt a lesson in being complacent with my eating, and have still got wind like pain in right side which wont go.
On a lighter note the shopping was alot cheaper than I expected it to be as we'd only been round Afflecks Palace and Primark before lunch so hubby was quite pleased. Will have to watch him next time I'm out so he doesn't slip me something fatty or sweet to make me go home and save him money. :8855:
After a while I decided I could risk getting up and leaving but felt a bit paranoid for using disabled loo so decided it would be for the best if I limped on leaving ?? (even sounds daft to me now, must be the years of being brought up Catholic LOL) so I at least looked like I wasn't just queue jumping. Had to keep it up all the way out of M&S with daughter nudging me to stop being so embarrassing. Have learnt a lesson in being complacent with my eating, and have still got wind like pain in right side which wont go.
On a lighter note the shopping was alot cheaper than I expected it to be as we'd only been round Afflecks Palace and Primark before lunch so hubby was quite pleased. Will have to watch him next time I'm out so he doesn't slip me something fatty or sweet to make me go home and save him money. :8855: