Danielle <3
New Member
@ happy days u have an exceptional weight loss behind u x
If I do as well as you hon I will be overjoyedVery true yvesa. Iam not goal weight and Iam defo no angel but I've set out what I achieved to do and Iam happy bar. Few pound here and there
Every single person whos written a 'ive cheated on my preop boohoo, tell me I'm still a good person' has disappeared long before I've heard them hit goal weight.
Ultimately you just need to look at the stats. The majority of us with above average weight loss have stuck to our providers guidelines like glue. And the ones who slink away never to be heard from again...there's a reason why many of them (not all) disappear. Every single person whos written a 'ive cheated on my preop boohoo, tell me I'm still a good person' has disappeared long before I've heard them hit goal weight.
As some of you know I have just spent the last 3 months researching and writting an academic paper on long term nutrition following bariatric surgery. One of the points that became apparent during my research, is that participating in support forums, positively effects a patient's long term outcomes.
As we all know, its not just about getting support we agree with, sometimes its about getting a good talking to too!
All the posts I have read lately being so harsh on people asking for support when they are struggling bring back some uncomfortable memories of thin people saying that people like us should not get surgery for weight loss as all we have to do is eat less. Shes having a hard time and finding it diffficult. Is is not p8ssible to show some support whilst explaining the possible risks.? Yvessa where is anyone asking to be told what a wonderful person they are because they have failed. Nowhere I have seen. I find this all so dissapointing
I guess alot of you have forgotten you were all there once too I will always stay humble no matter how much weight I lose and will always help others on there journeys.
Thanks Paddy P finally someone who has some compassion. I only joined this to get support and advice from others who have been through this life changing process. I know it's difficult no on said it would be easy. But WOW the harsh comments I've received I definitely didn't sign up for this. I guess alot of you have forgotten you were all there once too I will always stay humble no matter how much weight I lose and will always help others on there journeys.
All the posts I have read lately being so harsh on people asking for support when they are struggling bring back some uncomfortable memories of thin people saying that people like us should not get surgery for weight loss as all we have to do is eat less. Shes having a hard time and finding it diffficult. Is is not p8ssible to show some support whilst explaining the possible risks.? Yvessa where is anyone asking to be told what a wonderful person they are because they have failed. Nowhere I have seen. I find this all so dissapointing
Here's the thing about posting on a forum, you're going to get the whole rainbow of opinions. Some people have been very sympathetic and told you that its fine and thats their honest opinion. Others have given you a different point of view. You talk about humility like I'm somehow arrogant - I weighed thirty stone! I had the most awful relationship with food and I was desperate by the time I applied for surgery. I did the milk diet for six weeks - no cheats. And 15 months on, my team tell me that I am still losing really well despite how far out I am. You say I'm harsh because I don't give you the response that you want and I'm judging you - what on earth did you expect? We all had to do this and some of us were too terrified to cheat. Why are you not??
I'm sorry you feel this way - usually I'm nothing but supportive and I go out of my way to help people when really I don't need to stick around as I'm doing fine on my journey. Equally I do understand how hard the pre-op is as I've been there and done it for a total of six weeks. Frankly I don't understand the OPs mentality or her expectation of support. Licking your finger or accidentally dipping your finger in a pot of something - these are mistakes and can happen to any of us. But if you're making yourself meals or pouring yourself alcohol then you're making a concious choice to take your chances. And my honest opinion is that that makes the person making those choices an idiot.
:8855:I'm sorry, but calling someone an idiot is quite offensive hun