Well-Known Member
I've just had my first session at the gym after my induction/intro on friday, today they took measurements etc.
I was feeling so embarrassed at the time when she was taking them, but inside having my own small celebration as I know that only 6 weeks ago, they were so much higher.
In my 6 weeks I've lost 8 inches at waist, and 7 inches off hips, with just over an inch on my thighs (couldn't read the arm measurements so gonna have a peak next time lol), today to the gym I wore a pair of trousers that I bought in Florida when we went in 2009, the weight at that point was piling on and they've never fitted . . .they fit and are just great for the gym
And while I had to go and buy a pair of size 10 trainers, I did manage to fit into the size 9, they just weren't comfortable enough for the gym. I haven't been in a size 9 for a few years.
I'm having a really bad week this week weight loss wise, I actually gained over 2lb from thursday weigh in and the weekend,
altho it would be TOTM for me if I didn't have my coil, but I've also been suffering from severe bloating over the past few days so am thinking this has likely all made a difference . . .
So, I needed these to help me feel a bit better and altho back last week I only had 1lb loss to get to my mini target by this thursday, with going up 2, it's made it a minimum 3 for the week . . .
I've got until thursday, but hoping to fit in another 2 gym sessions before then. . .its really been up and down, and I wasn't well thurs/fri with terrible stomach cramps too
and roll on my first fill on thursday because I am quite able to eat any amount of any food, and that really isn't good 
but, chocks away . . .so nice to see those measurements
I was feeling so embarrassed at the time when she was taking them, but inside having my own small celebration as I know that only 6 weeks ago, they were so much higher.
In my 6 weeks I've lost 8 inches at waist, and 7 inches off hips, with just over an inch on my thighs (couldn't read the arm measurements so gonna have a peak next time lol), today to the gym I wore a pair of trousers that I bought in Florida when we went in 2009, the weight at that point was piling on and they've never fitted . . .they fit and are just great for the gym
And while I had to go and buy a pair of size 10 trainers, I did manage to fit into the size 9, they just weren't comfortable enough for the gym. I haven't been in a size 9 for a few years.
I'm having a really bad week this week weight loss wise, I actually gained over 2lb from thursday weigh in and the weekend,
So, I needed these to help me feel a bit better and altho back last week I only had 1lb loss to get to my mini target by this thursday, with going up 2, it's made it a minimum 3 for the week . . .
I've got until thursday, but hoping to fit in another 2 gym sessions before then. . .its really been up and down, and I wasn't well thurs/fri with terrible stomach cramps too
but, chocks away . . .so nice to see those measurements