Slowly Shrinking
If you have worked there for more than a year take legal advice. As your employer she has a duty of care to maintain the bond of trust between you two and clearly she has broken it. You have an excellent case for constructive dismissal here and if you won it you would get tens of thousands of pounds in compensation. You would have to leave there quickly on the grounds that her breach of the bond of trust has made it impossible for you to stay.
I would request meeting with her to inform her that you are taking legal advice regarding her breach of her duty of care and watch this ***** squirm
You are correct in saying she has a strong case for constructive dismissal. But if she wins it would NOT be tens of thousands of pounds :-(
The amount she would get if she won her case is only the loss of earnings from dismissal/leaving up to the Tribunal case. Minus any Social Security benefits paid for this period.
I have just been in a similar situation and my X-Employer agreed to settle "out of court". I did NOT get a massive amount, but I settled for 2 months wages.
My advice,, is to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
They were fantastic help and support to me, Also ACAS.