Have been using CPAP for over 10 years now I having tried all sorts of masks unsuccessfully for various reasons but after a year I found the nasal pillow system was more comfortable to wear. They took a little bit of getting used to and they literally had to be broken in over a few weeks until my nasal openings 'hardened up' to them but I wont use anything else now.
It is not unusual for people to take the mask off in their sleep in the initial months of becoming compliant with CPAP. lets be honest its not the easiest thing to get used to but at the end of the day not using it puts us apnoeaics at great risk from so many conditions namely stroke, heart attacks, diabetes etc etc the list is so long so we owe it to ourselves to get used to it Im afraid.
You dont say if your machine comes with an attached humidifier. I maintain this is essential for anybody using CPAP & unfortunatly not all sleep clinics hand them out with the basic machine :sigh:

& as a result many will fail in becoming compliant.
Wearing a mask too tight doesn't always necessarily stop leaks either as most masks are designed to float lightly on the face. Much like a hovercraft skirt. Too tight and it causes the silicon to deflect and hence leak.
The slightest bit of dirt/grease/cream on the seal or the skin will also break that seal also creating leaks. So it goes without saying that the mask & skin should be squeaky clean.
If you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask

but I can only urge you to perservere with it meantime as i doubt surgery will go ahead until you do master it. x