4 weeks post op -
Start of day: Milky tea (300 mils), (counted as 1 protein)
Breakfast (about an hour later): Stick of string cheese & 1/2 apple & pear baby food (1 protein + 1 fruit)
Mid morning: Milky Hot Chocolate (400 mils), counted as 1 protein
Lunch: Pinto bean dip (I'll post the recipe later) with plain yogurt on top (counted as 1 protein + 1 carb)
Mid afternoon: Tomato Basil Meat sauce (on my puree thead) over mashed potatoes (counted as 1 protein + 1 veg + 1 carb)
Dinner: Fake-out lasagne (on my puree thread) counted as 1 protein + 1 veg
Late evening: Homemade vanilla & cinnamon applesauce (on my puree thead)
counted as 1 fruit
Total: 6 proteins, 2 fruits, 2 vegs, 2 carbs
1350 mils water flavoured with some low sugar squash through out the day
I am not this virtuous every day but yesterday was a good day and I got all my stuff in so I thought this would show how it can be done.