I was on Orlistat for almost 2 years and in that time lost about 30lbs on it. You will probably end up having a couple of "accidents" when you're on it, so as has been suggested by others, if you think you need to go to the toilet then go and don't try and hold off.

And don't be too shocked by what you see if you've had a high fat content meal - it's liquid fat. (Sorry just thought you needed to be prepared for that, as it can be a shock).
After awhile you will work out what foods are ok and what ones aren't, anything with a high fat content is definitely a no no. I don't know how much you want to lose whilst on Orlistat but after 2 years on it and only slow weight loss in the last 6 months my weight loss stopped.
My problem was always quantity of food, it was always healthy but just too much, so I only got so far on Orlistat because there wasn't a very high fat content in my diet and the weight loss stopped and occasionally went up.
Use it as a tool to get you kick started on whatever weight loss road you are going down, but please do not think of it as a "master cure" because it isn't and if you believe it is, then unfortunately you will be disappointed. My time on Orlistat was the start of my journey that helped me get rid of some weight prior to surgery.
One thing I would suggest though, if you pay for your prescriptions have a look at getting a pre-paid card especially if you're on any other meds as it will save you money.
All the best.