The iron tablets are still irksome. They make constipation a dim memory that's for sure! Otherwise I've finally some consistency about taking my vitamins and who knows, perhaps being anemic is what to took to get that sorted in my head. I was prior managing to remember to take them perhaps 5 days out of 7? Anyhow, for the last 8 weeks it's been very consistent which is a blessing. My B12 has also risen - which I was worried about. I have not had any B12 injections as my GP is very determined that I will only be medicated if it's actually needed and I fall below the guidelines. I am borderline.
I've managed to get into a number of size 14 dresses this week as I was looking for an outfit for a wedding. Quite hard to fathom! I also bought size 12 nightwear and pants - I keep looking at them in wonderment. They are obviously stretchy!
My weight is dancing around 12 stone 9 and has been for a very long time. I don't always eat enough and the dietician says I have to get more consistent with that now. Bizarre. Me the binge eater being advised about eating more. Who would have known?
Life otherwise goes on. Food still dominates my mind - usually from a point of - does it have protein, is there too many carbs, will it stay in - that sort of stuff. I still find myself having treats. Some chocolate buttons. A creamy yoghurt. A bit of cake. Some crisps. But usually it's a controlled amount and not something I do without thinking. Usually it's a choice to have them.
I am walking much further these days - albeit I don't really do any other exercise. My Fitbit, which I've now had for 2 years, definitely encourages me to push on and hit target!
I went to the seaside for the day yesterday to meet up with some 'wls only know on line' chums - people who I virtually met via forums and such - and then met in real life! They got me a cake and candle for my birthday! Lol.
Hope everyone is doing well and fighting their own demons. Having support, however achieved, I've felt it vital. Family or friends or online mates - it's really been helpful to have someone to turn to from time to time when it all gets a bit much! Have a good day