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Dell's Post Op Diet


Active Member
More for my use than yours I bet, but so I can keep track and have a record somewhere!

Our dieticians sheets go like this for weeks 1/2 (from memory!)

Natural yoghurt mixed with pure fruit juice
OR very thin porridge/ready break
OR crushed breakfast cereal to a powder with plenty of milk
OR 200mls milk

During morning:
200mls milk plus 500mls water

Soup - check sugar content but any smooth with either
- 1oz pureed meat
- 1oz grated cheese
- 1oz milk powder
Natural yoghurt mixed with pure fruit juice
very thin sugar free custard
very thin sugar free milk pudding like semolina
200mls milk

During afternoon:
200mls milk plus 500mls water


200mls milk

Can have unsweetened tea and coffee and fruit juice between meals too.

Stop drinking 30 mins before a meal and do not drink for 2 hours AFTER a meal which means I seem to do nothing in between but blooming drink!!

so yesterday:
B: milky coffee
sip sip sip
L: few spoons of natural yoghurt
milky coffee then sip sip sip
D: blended Heinz minestrone soup with grated cheese
milky coffee at bedtime

B: milky coffee
L: yoghurt, might try blending some juice in but can't get my head round that!
D: homemade tomato and pepper soup with grated cheese yum yum

A lady I was in with seemed to think she knew it all but brought in petit filous which made her dump, as she doesnt like natural yoghurt, and low fat Ambrosia custard saying it was 1.5g sugar/100g but it looked WAY more than that on the tin so I think I shall make my own if I choose to have it. I don't know how she fared wit the custard as I went home before dinner!!

Off to look up more post op diets now :D
Excellent Dell, that looks fantastic. Good luck and loads of love xxx
It IS a long time, my first instinct is to have a drink of water when I have finished!! Dietician did say an hour would be fine but if they recommended that, people would take it forward to 30mins, or less and that wouldn't help long term so I can see her thinking.

I am so sick of sipping its not a problem anyway lol
reading it again, during the liquid stage it just says avoid drinking with or near meals. its later you need to wait, and it can be an hour but no less.
had a bit too much soup just now I think, I'm rather windy!

Still sore from (I think) too much soup last night, so decided to skip milky coffee for breakfast and have a little runny ready brek.

Only managed 4-5 dessertspoons of very runny RB, but it was nice, and feels soothing to my sore tum!

Will see how I feel later, but might stick to milk pudding for lunch and then see how I feel at dinner time. DO have feelings of hunger but I think its more excitement to see what I can eat and habit!
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Good luck Dell, thinking of you and sending love and hugs.... Bev xxx
still feeling sore and bloated, the soup I made really made my taste buds go nuts so I'm wondering if it was a but much perhaps. anyway just had a milky coffee and a tiny amount of custard today. really been sleepy and not had hardly any fluid so I think I may have purely fluid tomorrow to give my pouch a rest!

Well since I picked up the lansoprazole from chemist, I've felt so much.better. pouch not sore at all! Still sticking rigidly to diet sheets so moat days are milky coffee for breakfast, unsweetened semolina or custard for lunch and the same for dinner. milky coffee in between and trying to keep my fluids up too, although struggling a bit with that ....

Can't believe I can try mash in another week! Oh the excitement... right now I'd kill for a banana lol

I'VE moved on a little early but it felt right... I've tried Carrs Melts with dairylea which were lovely and tonight, mashed potato with beef gravy. Heavenly! Struggling to take in much in the way of fluid, just too tired and full but my bowels are sluggish so I'm making a concerted effort now.