well thats it i have had my first fill.

i had myself all worked up, but really i had no need to. it was quite easy.
arrived at clinic at 9.45, got taken quickly by nurse. actually i was at toilet

upstairs by her room when she went to waiting room for me! so when i came out she was waiting on me, which foiled my plan to take paul in with me for support.

she took me in , made a couple of calls to the hospital to find out my xray results. which were ' band lying at 20 degrees, and small 9 ml band fitted'. so she was happy to start.
she lay me on bed, wiped my tummy with antiseptic wipe, said "you do this is a needle, dont you"

and felt for port, said "small jag now" and that was it really. she informed me that there was already 3mls in band as she syringed it out and then syringed it back in mixed with another 3.5mls. i had to sit up with needle in belly, take a big drink of water and then lie down to see if water stayed down. it did. so she removed needle, stuck a plaster on and that was it. nothing to it really. definately not painful but did have a weird feeling as she was emptying it and filling it gain.the whole process took about 15mins! i wish paul could have seen needle sticking out of my tummy, it looked gorrey and sore, he would have felt so sorry me and would have thought i was so brave. but instead i have described in detail to him but its not the same. hehe.
i have only had a cup of tea, a cup of soup, and a small glass of milk. it is quite uncomfortable when i do drink ,and i am hoping when i have mushy tomorrow it wont be as uncomfortable.but i will let you all know.
i didnt book any of my appointments myself, co ordinator did it all.
so my advice to you girls going soon, do not worrry about fill, its nothing bad. i cant believe i have just took my next step, up until today i havent really felt i had a band but now i do, its time for band to do some of the work instead of all me!! it was hard the last few days i have been bloody starving so this should help.:17729: watch this space. x
