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Did I have a Gastric Band?

I had Mr Kahn at Nuffield Brentwood.

I was supposed to be on liquids for 4 weeks, but after 3 my dietician moved me on to "sloppies" - I'm now eating things like meat balls with lots of sauce; last night had pasta bake. Providing I chew my food properly I'm having no problems with keeping it down.

How are things going with you Baby Jayne and Meleficent?

Hi there Have been trying to post on here but strange things happen and post never appears! My surgeon was Mr Sigurdsson at Dolan Park. I am feeling remarkably well. I'm only 5 days post op but managing chunky soups as long as I chew well. I am toying with the idea of a sloppy fish pie tonight but don't want to do anything stupid. Hope all is well with you guys.
Cheers Mel
well done corey for healing and recovering so quickly..

how are you managing with the change up from liquid/sloppies?

I'm 2 n a bit wk post-op and after 10 days moved up to bitty from purees but maintaining - or trying to maintain plenty of fluids, had bad problems 'passing' and senna hasnt helped much really so am on different plan of attack, still got little bit of discomfort around port wound but other than that am doing good ( I think) and think poor Maureen (my dietician) is going to be sick of me ringing.. lol..

but at end of the day, all have done is double check before have done any changes to what am eating.. only thing I really crave..

is to be able to join my family for a proper, whole food, no mush sunday dinner.. lol.. not quite the same eating a pile of mushy bitty stuff that doesnt really resemble food from a small bowl with a spoon as they tuck into proper food only feet away from me.. :sigh:

but we both on the 'Losing side'.. :p hope it long continues too - for both of us
Not really having too much of a problem moving on - I'm tending to stick to soft foods, like mash, pasta etc and all working OK - am still having a slight issue with portion sizes, but guess that all comes with experience.

My only real frustration is that my weight is maintaining and I'm not losing. I know that I will lose once I have my first band fill, but I am not the most patient of people and all I want to do is lose, lose, lose!!!!
Hi Corey

I'm also so impatient. 8 days post op and expect to have lost more than the 6 - 7 lbs so far. Just had a sloppy pot noodle and wondering if that was the right thing to do? Still growing accustomed to managing the band (sound like a record producer)... Still have to contain my portion sizes - but then I guess that's why I ended up being a bandit - I think that will be a steep learning curve for me. Wannabeanewme know what you mean when you've rustled up a lovely evening meal and you have to sit there with SOUP!

Cheers Mel
Have tried loads to vary what I had/have to to eat..

had some cup-a-soups, rice pudding, found some great soups in tescos - like meals in a tin but they called 'Big Soup'.. have half a tin and just 'mush' the veg :)

Actually had a sunday dinner today! one table spoon of mashed swede, one table spoon of mashed potato, little bit of stuffing, little bit of chicken and lots o gravy.. mmmmmm.. took my time, chewed the chicken well but it was sooooooooo nice..

if you ever wanna natter - and am about - gimme a shout.. think it would be great for us both to share ideas :)
Hi there Wannabeanewme
Apologies if your last post wasn't meant for me! As usual I rush ahead and simply take the basic package - thinking I know it all - and am struggling to find my way post band. I'm worried I might be rushing it far too much with what I'm eating. I 'm still not sure of some of the sensations, I get lots of stomach aches but I don't think its band ache? Has anyone else experienced this? Would love to chat to someone else who is more advanced with their band.

Cheers Mel
Enjoy the bbq Corey. We are having one tomorrow, think I will stick to salads though!
I can eat pretty much anything I like to be honest - I have never really been a fan of bread and to be honest I have precious little interest in trying bread now, so can't say how that will go down. But pasta, meatballs, sauce, chicken etc I have had no problems with at all. Mash potato does give me really bad indigestion now, which I have never experienced before. So tend not to have too much of it.

I can manage about 5 tablespoons of food in the evening. I dont eat meat so have been having quorn, fish etc for my protein and try to eat that first. For veggies I have had peas, beans, green beans, carrotss all sorts really. I havent tried bread or pasta and decided to give up rice rather than try it now and then not be able to have it after my fill.

I used to eat huge portions of rice or pasta based dishes so decided right from the start not to have them anymore - bread I have always been able to take or leave.

I have had some lovely salads which have gone down well but cucumber I could only manage a bit of and havent bothered with raw peppers! Exciting eh lol

Maz x
Hi guys. I am 5 weeks post op and I can now eat most things. I no longer hae that full feeling. I am hoping it is because the swelling has gone down and it will return when I get my first fill. When are you due your fills? My first under xray is 17th June. Feel like forever away.