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Dieticians visit


New Member
Well i've got appointment for bariatric dietician on Wednesday :fear:i don't think she will be very happy with me this time :sigh:. But what i am most worried about is when they weigh me i'm dreading it incase i've either, stayed virtually the same since last time or and i dread to even think it but gained :argh:, hopefully she will see that i am trying to get back on track and not be horrible to me. I'll let you all know how it goes ;)
I also signed up to food focus today so i can keep a track on my eating habits :)
good morning shazbrad hope all goes well for you on wednesday, dont worry to much hun im sure things will be ok. :)
thanks John i will let you know how it went tomorrow evening ;)
Well i've got appointment for bariatric dietician on Wednesday :fear:i don't think she will be very happy with me this time :sigh:. But what i am most worried about is when they weigh me i'm dreading it incase i've either, stayed virtually the same since last time or and i dread to even think it but gained :argh:, hopefully she will see that i am trying to get back on track and not be horrible to me. I'll let you all know how it goes ;)
I also signed up to food focus today so i can keep a track on my eating habits :)

Just had a look at that website! Looks fantastic!!!

Good luck tomorrow!!

hi shaz, good luck with dieticians appointment tomorrow, im sure she will not be too harsh on you, after all everyone has blips, i will look forward to hearing how you got on luv. take care xx
Well peeps went to dietician and..........
it was all good :D i have lost 73% of excess weight which is above their predicted loss of 65 to 70% :bliss:so if i want to get to my goal weight its basically down to me now, the op has done what it was meant to do :clap:. She was aware of my lapses as i had previously spoken to her on the phone, but said apart from that i seem to be getting enough nutrition through what i'm eating and drinking and supplements. I mentioned protein shakes and she said that at this stage, as my food intake was giving me enough i didn't really need them but i could always drink a slimfast in place of a meal if i didn't feel like eating a meal :eating:. Also because my vit d levels were good last time i had blood test it wasn't necessary for jab pheeeeewwwww :clap:.
Anyway basically it was a good visit i had lost just over 4kg since my last visit which isn't much in the whole scheme of things but is a loss :scale: which was something i was worried about before i went , and my BMI is now 30, now i just have to get back to basics eat healthy and get my butt back to the gym and get moving so i can reach that goal of 10st :character00115::character00116: :D

ps, don't have to see her again until August which will be just about 2 yr post op, i have to see surgeon in June so will ask him about surgery to remove excess skin :eek:.
Well done. That is amazing. You must feel pretty good about everything now.
Fantastic losses Shaz, you should feel very proud of yourself! :D

Cuppa xx
Great to hear you've done well! Congratulations :)
:thankyouthankyou:thankyou all for your kind words, yes i am very proud of what i have achieved so far, well to a point, the thing is if i didn't keep having lapses and eating crap i would probably be at target by now :sigh: i have set myself a goal to lose 8lbs by easter :eek: and to get back to the gym, if i can get that sorted then i think i will be able to reach my target :D wish me luck cos i think i am gonna need it :8855:
OK, GOOD LUCK:fingerscrossed:, although I reckon that luck will have nothing to do with it! You have done so well :0clapper:and have got a great attitude. I think it's very sensible to set a goal of 8lbs before Easter:scale:. At your stage it is going to be mostly will-power :girlpower:which is really hard, but I have no doubt that you'll get where you want to be.:character00255:
Sharon you should be really proud of yourself you've done fantastic, hope your joining in the easter challenge that way we can all help and support eachother xxx