New Member
Hiya al,l haven't posted for a while but have been popping in to see how everyone is doing 
Just an update on how things are going with me, i saw my surgeon (well his boss) a couple of weeks ago, and he has said that as everything seems to be going ok he is happy to discharge me now :sigh: I am more or less 3 years out from bypass now and have been lucky not to have any problems, i haven't lost as much weight as i would like to have but surgeon is happy with that and is not worried that i have gained a bit
just said i would be able to lose the bit i have gained with a bit of discipline. I have to say i felt a bit lost for a few days after he said this but am ok about it now. Also i was supposed to see the dietician last week but forgot my appointment and phoned up the following day for a new appointment, however a couple of days ago i recieved a letter saying she was also discharging me
am gonna phone to clarify this as like i said i booked another appointment don't really want to stop seeing them yet still feel like i need a bit of support from at least part of the team.
So i'm on my own now unless anything drastic happens have to say its a bit scary tho :sigh:
Just an update on how things are going with me, i saw my surgeon (well his boss) a couple of weeks ago, and he has said that as everything seems to be going ok he is happy to discharge me now :sigh: I am more or less 3 years out from bypass now and have been lucky not to have any problems, i haven't lost as much weight as i would like to have but surgeon is happy with that and is not worried that i have gained a bit
So i'm on my own now unless anything drastic happens have to say its a bit scary tho :sigh: