Hi Guys, Thank you very much for all your imput ... am quite concerned that some post oppers are not aware of the reason for wearing one, the classic roux en-y diagram shows the difficulties that would occur if bypass patients had a tube forced down their throat in emergency.
I have a friend who is a paramedic in London who begged me to wear a medic alert post surgery, she treated a lady who had been mugged , the victim ran after the little git , and was hit by a speeding taxi, she recieved excellent treatment , but she needed further surgery to repair her stomach after a blind tube was used whilst she was uncontious ... the lady's medic alert was a card and in her purse that had just been stolen! this is why i wanted to know what people had on their medic alerts , it is so important to get it right ... for the sake of all those wonderful emergency medics ... wear one ! xxx
(sorry to preech)