Miss Tickle: I am 63 yrs old. I have been having facials since I was 39, and starting to panic about crows feet and the like. My beautician then (unfortunately died suddenly of a stroke a few yrs ago) told me I had beautiful skin and foundation blocks the pores. I now go to a different beautician once a month and she says the same thing.
The only time I ever wear it is for a special wedding like one of my grandchildren; when I get made up in MAC or somewhere for the occasion. Otherwise my skin has a natural glow, accented by a cream blush (powder blush is drying). I have an intensive skin care regime; I spend a LOT of money on pots and potions and am a firm believer in Boots number 7 Protect and Perfect Intensive skin care range, or as it's known for the over 50s, "restore and renew". I never leave make up on overnight, and cream and moisturise night and morning. My main worry about losing weight is my face starting to look saggy, but besides my own skincare regime and my facials, I have every two weeks a facial known as micro current, which is like mini electric current passed over your face to tone up the muscles. A bit like slendertone for the face I guess. It's known as a non surgical facelift; I would never have any botox or any real facelift, I just do whatever I can to care for my skin cus once it's gone, it's gone!!
Maybe microcurrent facials would help your saggy jowly bits?