So £695 difference but presumably you have to make your own way to Belgium and will need some hotel stay?
Is this WLSG? I considered them for my bypass but I wanted Mr Ammori so went direct to him.
Personally? I'd have the op in the UK. At least you'll have the option of having family with you.
Dont get a band abroad, the after care can be very hard to maintain as in recieving fills ect, and worse still if theres complications and you need to see a surgeon that can cause difficulties x
I know you want this surgery quite quickly but maybe you could hold off for a little bit and save some more and do a lot more research into as many private companies as possible.
A band is not something to rush into, you need to know all the possible good points and bad points and be mentally ready to change your eating habits for life.
Don't just go with the cheapest.....![]()
I think its a needs must girls - I cant go on looking and feeling like i do. i have tried every diet, councellor, hypnotherapy there is and I cant keep the weight off - if i dont do something soon...i dread to think what I'll do.
the after care for this belguim place is in birmingham which is the next city to me.
I have £5000, no more no less and no chance of saving. I have a weight problem that is killing me mind body and sole. So really the belgium one is the only option unless an find a UK based hospital that is only charging £5000...which it apprears there is not.
I DO HONESTLY appreciate all your comments and I am taking them all into account xxxxxxx
Here's my thoughts.
I start "trying" to change my eating patterens from now untill xmas - then look at the prices for my birthday (Jan 25) I work in a school so I could possibly book in for Feb half term.
But is there such a thing and Surgical Discount??