Julie, you have done tremendously well and I know will continue to - its a marathon rather than a sprint this weight loss malarky but the hardest part is getting the brain into shape. I found the hardest thing was to get out of the habit of using food as a reward. Whenever I had something to celebrate or I was feeling down and wanted to treat myself I always thought of food first - I have done a lot of work on that area and now think of treats in terms of pampering myself and not food - as a diabetic I'm not 'treating' my body by giving it sugary goodies (and the weightwatchers low fat products are very sugary). Every month I award myself a kitty like pocket money as a kid and when I'm feeling like I need to treat myself (as a celebration or when I'm feeling down) then I head to the high street and buy myself some nice perfume, clothes, lotions and potions or have a massage/spa session. Every one has their own contingency plan to keep them on the straight and narrow and this works for me. I also found weightwatchers made me think constantly of food and I wanted to get off that particular merry go round. Its important to get back on the bike (so to speak) straight away when you fall off and just mark it down to experience if you have a bad day.