Hi All, well I travelled to Glasgow today, gave myself extra time to get there. I printed off the route planner - nothing could go wrong, could it...... Well thats what I thought, followed the directions but still didn't manage to find the place. I phoned the surgery to say I was lost and would be late but she was with patients so go an answer machine. Ended up phoning my husband at work and told him to get on the internet and work out where i was. What a nightmare. I was on the verge of tears imagining never getting my bloods done and then no op. But anyway the good news is my hubbie managed to direct me to the place, I was only 15 mins late, the doc and nurse were waiting for me so alls well that ends well. The best of it was I was only in the place for 10 mins.
Oh well lets hope there is no more drama.
lots of love.