New Member
Hiya all
well as you may have seen my question is does being diagnosed as bipolar effect my chances of getting WLS?? iv been on and off different anti depressants for the last 3 something years after having my son and having post natal depression.. none worked and i just felt dead inside with no emotion so i decided to manage it myself. last time i seen my doctor he said it sounds like bipolar but he wanted to look into it then a lady i know who works in that area said it sounds like bipolar or some sort of anxiety problem? but i wont go back to see anyone and iv been trying to put them all off with excuses until after my surgery as im petrified if they say it is that it will slow down or maybe stop my chances of surgery :-( i just dont want them shotting pills at me as im managing it fine myself.. i just dont want them to see me as "mad" and not capable to cope with surgery. sorry if "mad" offends anyone as i know people who suffer with this are not mad in any way but that is what others who dont understand it see you as? .. i also live alone with my 2yr old son and i dont want people poking there nose in. sorry for rambling on i just dont know anyone else who could give me advice :-( xxx