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:( Electric shock stabbing pains?


New Member
Had my band on wedensday and last night and today i have been experiencing some electric shocking stabbing pains on the left hand side of my stomach, Is this normal and what can i do o ease it?

Any advice please :cry:
I have had these symptoms too, is it really sharp sudden pain and shocks you doesn't it, then disappears as quickly as it came only to repeat again a few times?
I had this every few weeks or so during the last 9 months and brought it up with my surgeon who explained its common and its the nerves "knitting" back together again.....I have had a bypass and know you have a band but could it be the same reason?
I can really relate to this thread, thanks Emm:)
Do you think it could be trapped wind still?
I dont think so as have been releasing that all ok since i had the op :eek: :D discreetly tho :p x

I have had these symptoms too, is it really sharp sudden pain and shocks you doesn't it, then disappears as quickly as it came only to repeat again a few times?
I had this every few weeks or so during the last 9 months and brought it up with my surgeon who explained its common and its the nerves "knitting" back together again.....I have had a bypass and know you have a band but could it be the same reason?
I can really relate to this thread, thanks Emm:)

YES!!!! your spot on there hun, they really take your breath away dont they :cry:
Am so glad someone knows what i was trying to explain, they are easing at the mo but still regulary happen, Hope your on the mend now x
Bless you, I didn't notice you were only 3 days post op!
I think these things are to be expected early on and wind even though you may think its all gone:eek: may well still be lurking, it can be oh so painful!
Soon the joy of dropping lbs will make all this fade away hopefully.
I still occasionally have the electric shock pains but nothing like early on.
Good luck and I will pay close attention to your progress with your band.
Have a nice gentle weekend. :) x
thankyou and your doing fab with your weightloss well done x
Hi Emma
i also had these pains, luckily it doesn't last long, i was told by the WL team that it is due to the port being stitched to muscle on the left hand side , our body just has to learn to adjust , mine lasted about 7-10days,it happened mainly when turning over in bed or twisting /bending, (with the shopping trolly ) they tell me its normal and can last about a month in some people. Hope this helps.
thanks hun, apparently my port isnt to the left its just below the boobs, i dont know why they put it there for :S x
Hi emm, how are your pains now?
I hope you are feeling a bit better!
The shocks have gone yay, am off the pain killers now too woopwoop. wounds are a little sore but thats to be expected :)

Hope your well too xx
I'm really pleased for you!
Thanks for update. x