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Emmaroos Milk diet thread

Hi Emma,
Congratulations on your news-only 22 lbs to go now!
Good Luckx
Thanks guys. :) I thought I'd wake up mega hungry and dream about food all night. What I actually dreamed about was Katie Price joining my uni course and no one liking her and when I woke up I wasn't hungry.

I think I'm kind of resigned to the fact of not eating for the next few weeks. Usually it feels like its forever when I start a diet and that its a huge amount to lose but this time I know its just a few weeks and just a little amount to lose. I'm nearly 1/4 of the way there! lol
Well done the milk fills you up it is all mind games the brain plays on us. I remember when I was on it we went to my sisters and they were all sat at the table eating bacon sandwiches whilst I was sat with my milk and jelly. That was pure torture and I got quite upset when I got back home (not sure why) because I didn't want any but it is difficult so well done.
well done on the loss so far hun.x
Today has not been so bad, I'm still coping ok. I managed to be around people who were eating (though i'm still upstairs whilst hubby cooks his dinner, poor him!).

Only one small mistake though. I went to wilkinsons on my lunch (I'm doing a placement at the CAB) and bought what I thought was a muller light, I got back to the building and realised it was a muller rice so I had to eat it anyway. My god I had fun chewing all the little bits of rice haha but I'm terrified it'll make me put on weight or mess up the diet :(
Well done on the self control. The rice won't have messed it up as long as it is not regularly done.

I'll make sure not to do that in future lol It was, however, the best meal I've had in days.

I'm pretty damn happy though lol I just got on the scales and another 4lbs are gone! I know I shouldn't weigh myself every day and I know it won't keep happening like this but weeeeeeee. I'm now the lightest I've been in ages lol
I'm really struggling right now. Just seen the husband have his tea, and soon he is going to the pub to meet a friend so I cried.

I'm so hungry I'm close to the point of just jacking it all in and staying fat forever :( Why on earth they put people who can't diet through this when I've not even got my op date is beyond me :(
you are doing so well hun x x can you thicken up the milk with a tbspn of cornflour and sweeten with sweetners to make a kind of custard would be quite filling if you could?
That sounds quite nice, but I don't know if I'm allowed flour :( *sigh* I'm being a right old grumpy bear today. I'm trying to be positive but after 3 days with no food i'm just getting annoyed lol
You are doing really well Emmaroo how about having a fizz diet drink to try and fill you up.

Thats a good plan actually. I know I probably shouldn't but whatever! lol I'll see if the shop sells fizzy flavored water haha

I don't even know how anyone did this lol