Saw Shaw Somers last week and the date for my bypass arrived today-17th September at Chichester have to go for blood tests etc on the 12th. Start the dreaded diet on 10th September. Going on holiday on 23rd August come back on the 6th September. Hope this will be the last holiday where my suitcase looks like I've packed to go to a funeral every day-lot less black I think. Anyone else going in around those dates? would love to hear from you. Although I don't post very often(still not got the hang of it don't seem to have permission to go into much)Thanks to everyone. Reading your posts has most certainly given me the strength to go on and finally sort out this operation should have done it years ago. Nearly got there last year but 'friends' put me off. But not this time any questions they threw at me-gave them the answers back-Thanks to all of you