I know exactly what you mean. I've hated excercise my whole life.
Was 13 stone at age 13, couldn't do half the things everyone else could, was rediculed by the teachers, the others kids mad fun of me.
I was always put in goal as I couldn't run fast enough for anything else. This has had a lasting effect on me and at age 57 I STILL HATE EXERCISE. Walking a mile to the nearest shops and back takes me all my time and energy. My knee and hips really hurt by the time I get back, good job I've got my granddaughters push chair to hold me up!!
I used to like swimming but hate the sight of myself in a cossie or anything else for that matter. Went to aqua-aerobics a few years ago and some classes were great fun. Others were boring, a lot depends on who is taking the class.
My daughter keeps trying to get me to walk further each time we meet up and I suppose that's the most sensible options for starters. Gyms really have no appeal at all at the moment.
I work long hours each day and by the time I get home exercise is the last thing on my mind.
Trying to get motivated - any suggestions