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February 2014 Surgeries

Back home now. Feeling not to bad. Got stronger painkillers. Doctors have said they think my diaphragm has just been upset due to hernia repair. Thank goodness. Hope chest pain eases off tonight and I can get some sleep xxxx

Fingers x'd... prop yourself right up to relieve pressure xxx
Am packed and officially MRSA free thanks to the lovely chlorhexidine shower gel. Have been told to come in with almost nothing and get family to bring everything in later. Think it's ok to go in with dressed with a dressing gown and pjs in a bag?
Am packed and officially MRSA free thanks to the lovely chlorhexidine shower gel. Have been told to come in with almost nothing and get family to bring everything in later. Think it's ok to go in with dressed with a dressing gown and pjs in a bag?

Whatever fits in 1bag I'd say and no valuables til your back on ward & famo bring it in xx
:):)Well got home last night & apart from severe wind pain everything fine, everybody at Albyn Hospital in Aberdeen were fantastic and very attentitive. Just wish I could get a sleep as every time I lie down the wind settles on my shoulders which takes your breath away.:):)
:):)Well got home last night & apart from severe wind pain everything fine, everybody at Albyn Hospital in Aberdeen were fantastic and very attentitive. Just wish I could get a sleep as every time I lie down the wind settles on my shoulders which takes your breath away.:):)

Hi darling, got home last night too but managed to grab some sleep propped up on sofa, seems the most comfortable place for me. Getting up from hospital bed was pretty painful fells like muscles have had a mega work out lol try peppermint tea have been sipping it since i got home and i can only feeling it occasionally gurgling around my back, hot water bottle too x x x congrats on making th eloser bench, hope you manage some rest soon x x x rest up and recoup well
Hi darling, got home last night too but managed to grab some sleep propped up on sofa, seems the most comfortable place for me. Getting up from hospital bed was pretty painful fells like muscles have had a mega work out lol try peppermint tea have been sipping it since i got home and i can only feeling it occasionally gurgling around my back, hot water bottle too x x x congrats on making th eloser bench, hope you manage some rest soon x x x rest up and recoup well
Hi crystalrainbow, How are you feeling? I'm 5 days post op today and been shopping. Still a bit of wind pain but ok otherwise. Take care xx
Back home now. Feeling not to bad. Got stronger painkillers. Doctors have said they think my diaphragm has just been upset due to hernia repair. Thank goodness. Hope chest pain eases off tonight and I can get some sleep xxxx
Oh poor you. Are you feeling any better today? Take it easy xx
Hi crystalrainbow, How are you feeling? I'm 5 days post op today and been shopping. Still a bit of wind pain but ok otherwise. Take care xx

Wow that's brilliant. Excuse my poor memory are you banded?

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Hi crystalrainbow, How are you feeling? I'm 5 days post op today and been shopping. Still a bit of wind pain but ok otherwise. Take care xx

Hi Sue sounds like your doing fantastic :D hoe all went ok for you and recovery sounds just fine. I'm all ok just a bit sore to be expected tho lol wind pain minimal in lower back so bearable, no painkillers needed as yet! Just hands and feet really cold, keep circling feet while im sitting or up pacing the front room lol all in all ok tried a tiny bit of porridge this morning wallpaper paste consistency had 2 teaspoons but not really feeling hungry. Nurse said i could have sloppy right away but not going to push myself too soon, may have some clear chicken soup for lunch and if up to it some whizzed up cottage cheese for dinner tonight yum :D Had intended to go for ride in car with hubby to supermarket but decided to stay home with puppy while he goes local shop instead.... maybe it was a little optimistic lol

How you doing hun? hope your healing well, guess its just a matter of time and plenty of rest thrown in. Getting enough fluid in could prove difficult have measured out what i need to drink today lol we shall see

Hugs coming your way, take it easy. Keep me posted so i now what to expect next :eek: x x x x
Hi 2nd timer, Yes had a band last Sunday. xx

Tought your recovery was amazeballs :)) well done you x x

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Hi Sue sounds like your doing fantastic :D hoe all went ok for you and recovery sounds just fine. I'm all ok just a bit sore to be expected tho lol wind pain minimal in lower back so bearable, no painkillers needed as yet! Just hands and feet really cold, keep circling feet while im sitting or up pacing the front room lol all in all ok tried a tiny bit of porridge this morning wallpaper paste consistency had 2 teaspoons but not really feeling hungry. Nurse said i could have sloppy right away but not going to push myself too soon, may have some clear chicken soup for lunch and if up to it some whizzed up cottage cheese for dinner tonight yum :D Had intended to go for ride in car with hubby to supermarket but decided to stay home with puppy while he goes local shop instead.... maybe it was a little optimistic lol

How you doing hun? hope your healing well, guess its just a matter of time and plenty of rest thrown in. Getting enough fluid in could prove difficult have measured out what i need to drink today lol we shall see

Hugs coming your way, take it easy. Keep me posted so i now what to expect next :eek: x x x x
Hi, you sound as if you are doing very well. I took it easy the first 2 days but had no choice but to attend uni on day 3 which really wasn't a good idea. I was ok driving, but sitting all day was a mare. Took it easy yesterday and today and feeling very well. I'm eating soups and yoghurts and puree fruit as had a problem in the bowel department. I haven't seen how much I should drink but my wee is pale so I must be ok. No pain killers today either. I've taken my TED stockings off as I'm mobile but unsure if I should still have them on. I am out and walking the dog etc so hope I've done right. xx
When do you have your surgery 2nd timer?

Six more sleeps!!!! Eeek!!! It's very real now. Only had one day of knowing it was going ahead, they had my op n they did my knee, then 2.5 weeks of not knowing, now less than a week n its over!

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Hi, you sound as if you are doing very well. I took it easy the first 2 days but had no choice but to attend uni on day 3 which really wasn't a good idea. I was ok driving, but sitting all day was a mare. Took it easy yesterday and today and feeling very well. I'm eating soups and yoghurts and puree fruit as had a problem in the bowel department. I haven't seen how much I should drink but my wee is pale so I must be ok. No pain killers today either. I've taken my TED stockings off as I'm mobile but unsure if I should still have them on. I am out and walking the dog etc so hope I've done right. xx

all sounds good to me hun, i was told stockings for 2 weeks so am sticking to that as mobility not good at best of times (not for much longer i hope) also was told 1.5l of fluid that should help with the bowel too. I am peeing ok now, back to normal flow lol liver reducing diet had me peeing for england lol dont push yourself hun remember to recoup too its a major op we;ve just had x x x hope im feeling so well 5 days post op
Six more sleeps!!!! Eeek!!! It's very real now. Only had one day of knowing it was going ahead, they had my op n they did my knee, then 2.5 weeks of not knowing, now less than a week n its over!

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Well I wish you the very best of luck xx
:):)Well got home last night & apart from severe wind pain everything fine, everybody at Albyn Hospital in Aberdeen were fantastic and very attentitive. Just wish I could get a sleep as every time I lie down the wind settles on my shoulders which takes your breath away.:):)

So glad to hear from you crucon and glad all went well.

Yeah the wind pain is a bugger but if you are mobile, walking soon gets rid of it.

Are you managing fluids ok?