Hi Sue sounds like your doing fantastic

hoe all went ok for you and recovery sounds just fine. I'm all ok just a bit sore to be expected tho lol wind pain minimal in lower back so bearable, no painkillers needed as yet! Just hands and feet really cold, keep circling feet while im sitting or up pacing the front room lol all in all ok tried a tiny bit of porridge this morning wallpaper paste consistency had 2 teaspoons but not really feeling hungry. Nurse said i could have sloppy right away but not going to push myself too soon, may have some clear chicken soup for lunch and if up to it some whizzed up cottage cheese for dinner tonight yum

Had intended to go for ride in car with hubby to supermarket but decided to stay home with puppy while he goes local shop instead.... maybe it was a little optimistic lol
How you doing hun? hope your healing well, guess its just a matter of time and plenty of rest thrown in. Getting enough fluid in could prove difficult have measured out what i need to drink today lol we shall see
Hugs coming your way, take it easy. Keep me posted so i now what to expect next

x x x x