2nd timer
New Member
hi twinny made me chuckle wish I was twiggy ha ha and look at you fab bet you carnt wait to get the weight of you looked wonderfull , I no were your comeing from 5 years ago I lost 6 stone in 6 months but keeping it of a nightmare my mobility got a lot worse I have arthritis in feet knees and spine fibromyalgia hypermobile joint syndrome and a year ago lost feeling in both legs which they think is nerve damage so been a hell of a year for me so I no were your comeing from 2nd timer not easy when you have health issues my sister lives in Cambridgeshire !!! just going to try put few pics on here I am not good at this I am a beginner really lol but will try xxx nope don't no how to do it !!!
Go to advanced button, top right if I pad or phone is a button top right but doesn't say advanced.
I ave fm too, sleep apnoea, asthma, Hugh blod ores sure, psa n at the moment a mending broken knee where addenbrookes did an arthroscopy but git carried away !!! They tried to do a spine block but I screamed In agony for half an hour as my arthritis is up spine too. Give me child birth anyday !!! Blooming horrid it was. Ever ever again.
Gid I've had a bad two years too. Arthritis meds nearly killed e n put me in ICUs, had crp leaves if 269 n death is 250!!! Then they have me high steroids to live which piled weight on n made me very emotional.then I had Stevens johnson syndrome to live with from allergic reaction to meds. I was so sick I basically coughed my stomach through my band into the diaphragm. Horrific stuff. Band had to come off n they wouldn't offer me an alternative
Where in Cambs is sister ? I'm between Huntingdon n Peterborough. Used to live west mids till 7 years ago. Long story... Lol...
The pic was in Australia four years ago , I managed the England indoor women's cricket team and we were on tour
O well dream on....
Nice to ave a twinny lol.
What's your bmi or weight Hun? We can do this together x
previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.