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February 2014 Surgeries

Is anyone here due to go straight to high dependency unit straight from op? I'm due for a five hour op n due to health I'm off to Hdu :( scary but necessary . I'm a moisture of excited and frightened eek!

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.

Hi 2nd timer - it was standard practice for us to spend the first night in HDU. 2 patients to one nurse so they can keep a closer eye on you. (BMI Healthcare).
Hi 2nd timer - it was standard practice for us to spend the first night in HDU. 2 patients to one nurse so they can keep a closer eye on you. (BMI Healthcare).

I was in hdu, got on my bloody wick it was so noisy...really struggled to rest, but needs must etc x
I'm not going to hdu, just the post op unit then up to my room once I'm awake xx

Thank you Tracey xx

I'm not going to hdu, just the post op unit then up to my room once I'm awake xx


Thanks. Good luck xxx

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
I was told HDU if needed but unlikely !! Better get in early to wish Kirsty and Mazza all the best for tomorrow :) get a good nights sleep tonight (if you can) early start tomorrow. Keep us posted girls and get recovered real quick x x x x virtual hugs
Good luck Kirsty n Mazza :))) hope all goes brill. Xxxxxxx

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
2nd timer - I'm not scheduled to go to HDU for mine on Friday, just to recovery and then back to a ward bed. But then again I've got no health issues and am 22 so slightly lower risk :)
Mines already booked :( I've git other probs so I have no choice :/

previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Thanks guys!!! I will deffo keep you updated xxx

dropping by to wish all oppers in the next few days good luck will be checking for updates sending love and hugs and remember plenty of rest after to aid a speedy recovery
Crucon, just wanted to stop by and wish you all the very best for tomorrow. Remember to walk around as much as you can as soon as you can and let us know how your getting on when you feel up to it.

And to all other Feb oppers, good luck with the next stage of your journeys and speedy recovery.

How long did it take you to recover?
I'm due in tomorrow morning and feeling absolutely petrified :(
I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old. Hope I can manage ok afterwards.
What are you having done laurawls? I'm 5 days out and had 3 rough days in hospital (but hey, 3 days is nothing in comparison to the rest of your life) and now i'm home and feeling hunky dory. One lady in my hospital bay went home the day after her bypass and when she came round from the anasthesia she felt absolutely fine, very little pain and ate a bowl of soup and some ice cream, I was gobsmacked but everybody is different so just concentrate on yourself and make sure you go in with a "Can-Do" attitude. Good luck, XX
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm going for gastric band. I'm looking forward to having my tool but just so anxious about pain afterwards xx