The Chopster
I am not sure if it is just coincidence or whether it's stress related but since I had my consulation and bloods taken etc on Friday I have been ill
I have had the sweats, the shivers, headaches and have got conjunctivitis! Very attractive puffy sticky eye look:cry:
My husband reckons it could be a stress thing as I have waited about 4 years for my surgery, been turned down twice for the band by the pct and are now funding the band ourselves which will be tough. I have 10 days before surgery so I should be well before then. Has anyone else been ill before their op?
I have had the sweats, the shivers, headaches and have got conjunctivitis! Very attractive puffy sticky eye look:cry:
My husband reckons it could be a stress thing as I have waited about 4 years for my surgery, been turned down twice for the band by the pct and are now funding the band ourselves which will be tough. I have 10 days before surgery so I should be well before then. Has anyone else been ill before their op?