hi everyone feeling much better now felt like rubbish the other day must of picked up that winter bug that is going round. I did really well and i came home on tuesday night even though i was told i was suppose to stay in till wed but mr ammori said i was fine to go home as my husband was there to take care of me. I was 5 hours in theatre so didnt go so brill and i was in a lot of pain when they woke me up from the anastetic it was due to the very strong meds i take for my back so it took them nearly 2 hours to get my pain under control but not had that much pain since .
It does feel really strange that you do feel a little hungry i never thought i would feel like that i understand now nicole how you felt needing to go for a wee when you woke up i was the same and i couldnt so they had to put a caffiter in it was comical really we where all laughing about it when i was in recovery but i been fine since .
Anyway i am on the other side of it all now and i would like to thank you all for your well wishing plus my husband has found it very good as well to speak to you it has put his mind at rest about a lot of things and also he has been fantastic i havent had to do anything he has done my meds and everything dont know what i would of done without him.
:talk017: thanks everyone
xx alison xx