New Member
I gave poor little Polly a rest for 2 days on just fluids...discovered the joys of Baxter's consomme (delish!)
and I'm feeling SOOOOOOOO much better today.
I've managed a good amount of fluids (like everyone says, just keep sipping!
I ate a whole half a mushy weetabix for brekky!
whizzed up cauliflower cheese and yoghurt with pureed fruit for lunch
going to try some mushy avocado for tea as I LOVE the stuff usually!
I never thought I'd feel so happy to be able to eat!
and I just feel generally better and more like my old cheerful self!
ALSO although I haven't been weighed yet....I went to a 'do' today wearing 'old faithful' slinky baggy black trousers (coz I thought they'd be most comfy) and a sit-on hips top I bought about 5 weeks ago...and I had to keep hiking the trousers up under my chest because they felt so baggy, and I kept tripping over them (even wearing high heels!) and the sit-on-hips top just fell past the hips, half-way to my knees!
I'm well pleased!
I'm trying to hold out now until Tuesday (2 week surgiversary) to get weighed.
LOL also finding Defaltine is a God-send for wind!!!!!!!! How long does this last folks? I could power the National Grid at this rate!