Hi Sandra,
I started my journey in approx February 2015, I went to my Dr’s and got put onto a weight management programme, which was a right arse as the clinic I attended was over an hour away each visit but I stuck it out and eventually got passed by them (which took over 18months) to the L&D.
I then attended the clinic at L&D and was put forward for surgery, they don’t do the bands anymore as they found out they wasn’t that effective & people could cheat easily with them, as far as I can remember they do two procedures now which are a gastric sleeve or bypass.
I had the gastric bypass it’s called the RNY I think! and my surgery was done on the 28th December 2017, so I’m just a few weeks post op now.
The op itself went ok and I had no pain due to being kept topped up with pain relief, my problems have arisen by a previous medical problem & my Gp not giving me the meds I needed in liquid form, so I’ve been having all kinds of grief but it’s down to sudden withdrawal from some of the meds I use to be on, but nothing at all to with my op.
Hope this answers some questions for you.