Dont worry - you will be ok!!!
Hi Shar0n,
Hope this helps....
I had my pre-op assessment on 12th July 2013 at St Richard's. My 1st time there... and I got there a bit early (0820) parking was very easy and close to the Loxwood Centre, and the reception was open. Receptionist was very welcoming and friendly - and after a few minutes I was asked to fill in a form to confirm my contact details etc and they asked for an email address (they set you up on an online contact site). I was then weighed


and had my height checked by the receptionist.
Then a few more "customers" arrived... all like me - looking "scared?" and uncertain... but within about 10mins, I was called into see the specialist nurse and so the "fun" started. Basically after that, we all took it in turns to see the nurse, dietician, psychologist, doctor, and then the anaesthetist. Basically they go through what surgery YOU think you want, and what THEY suggest (usually the same!) and ask lots of friendly questions to ensure you really are aware of what surgery entails (both pre and post-op). They don't try and trip you up or are trying to "fail" you etc. Its not an interview or a grilling... so don't panic

Then by about 12-1ish (depending on where you on the list!)... they send you off for lunch and ask you to come back at 2pm. On the day I was there I went upstairs to the lovely cafeteria (I resisted the temptation to have chips

!!!) and then watched the Red Arrows performing (for the nearby Goodwood Festival of Speed)... it passed the time and kept my mind off everything.
MEANWHILE - they all have a conference and discuss you in a group and confirm if they think you are fit both mentally and physically for the operation.
Went back at 2... got called in and I saw the dietician who gave me the GOOD news that I WAS a good candidate for the surgery of my choice (Bypass) and then I went and saw a Dr from the Consultant's team to discuss the surgery and get the final tick!!!
I left St Richard's just after 3pm.
I have to say that ALL the staff were very friendly and non-threatening or judgemental. I was a little nervous but they all put me at ease and found them helpful, professional and friendly. Made it SO much easier. Also - I got chatting with the ladies who were also going through the same... so it was good to chat, pass the time and have a laugh at all our issues etc... was good fun chatting to like minded people who are going through the same!!
Anyhow - they gave me no operation date

... and said they would be in touch etc... so its now a "waiting game". While I was in the car park I saw a guy who was 2days post-op. Had a great chat... he said he got his op 6wks after the 1st appointment. I am now today (9th Aug) 4wks on. I cant wait... Hoping mine will be the same, as I hate being in limbo (esp. after waiting nearly 2yrs!!!!) Every time the phone rings, every letter delivered - Im on tender hooks!!!
PS - I go to a regular fitness session and one guy there got his referral letter, questionnaire and food diary etc from St Richards 2 weeks ago, and was told that if he hurries up and sends them in asap, he will get his 1st appointment at the start of Sept and an op in December??? So Im hoping as Im "in front of him" I will at least be able to start 2014 a lot slimmer. New Year - new start!!!
I do hope this helps and will offer you some comfort. Its not as scary as you may think. If you are like me, you've been through enough rollercoasters of disappointments etc and promises from Doctors etc... and have already jumped through many hoops... so it wasn't as worrying as I feared.
Pip x
Hi everyone,
I received my first appointment in the post yesterday, for the 21st September. I have to go to the Loxwood Centre at St Richards Hospital in Chichester, for a morning of comprehensive assessment with several members of their team and in the afternoon to agree on a treatment plan for me. I am so happy to finally have contact with the hospital. Anyone know if by treatment plan they mean which surgery will suit me? I wonder how long after this appointment things will take, so excited. Anyone had this appointment lately got any advice or information for me I would be grateful. Thanks.